Fundamentals of Pharmacology. Группа авторов

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Fundamentals of Pharmacology - Группа авторов

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obstetrics ileo‐ ileum ileocecal valve infra‐ below infrahyoid muscles inter‐ between, among interarticular ligament intra‐ within intramural ipsi‐ same ipsilateral haemiparesis ischio‐ of or pertaining to the ischium, the hip joint ischioanal fossa ‐ismus spasm, contraction hemiballismus iso‐ denoting something as being ‘equal’ isotonic ‐ist one who specializes in pathologist ‐itis inflammation tonsillitis ‐ium structure, tissue pericardium juxta‐ (iuxta‐) near to, alongside or next to juxtaglomerular apparatus karyo‐ nucleus eukaryote kerat(o)‐ cornea (eye or skin) keratoscope kin(e)‐, kin(o)‐, kinaesi(o)‐ movement kinaesthesia kyph(o)‐ humped kyphoscoliosis labi(o)‐ of or pertaining to the lip labiodental lacrim(o)‐ tear lacrimal canaliculi lact(i)‐, lact(o) milk lactation lapar(o)‐ of or pertaining to the abdomen wall, flank laparotomy laryng(o)‐ of or pertaining to the larynx, the lower throat cavity where the voice box is larynx latero‐ lateral lateral pectoral nerve ‐lepsis, ‐lepsy attack, seizure epilepsy, narcolepsy lept(o)‐ light, slender leptomeningeal leuc(o)‐, leuk(o)‐ denoting a white colour leukocyte lingu(a)‐, lingu(o)‐ of or pertaining to the tongue linguistics lip(o)‐ fat liposuction lith(o)‐ stone, calculus lithotripsy ‐logist denotes someone who studies a certain field oncologist, pathologist log(o)‐ speech logopaedics ‐logy denotes the academic study or practice of a certain field haematology, urology lymph(o)‐ lymph lymphedema lys(o)‐, ‐lytic dissolution lysosome ‐lysis destruction, separation paralysis macr(o)‐ large, long macrophage ‐malacia softening osteomalacia mammill(o)‐ of or pertaining to the nipple mammillitis mamm(o)‐ of or pertaining to the breast mammogram manu‐ of or pertaining to the hand manufacture mast(o)‐ of or pertaining to the breast mastectomy meg(a)‐, megal(o)‐, ‐megaly enlargement, million splenomegaly, megametre melan(o)‐ black colour melanin mening(o)‐ membrane meningitis meta‐ after,
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