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1 This reflection is based on DANOWSKI, D. and CASTRO, E. V. Há mundo por vir? Ensaio sobre os medos e os fins. Florianópolis, Instituto Socioambiental, 2014.
2 A narrower approach focuses on the human consequences of armed conflict and the dangers they present to individuals—primarily civilians—by repressive governments and situations of state failure. This approach has a greater influence on the security agenda and focuses on threats to physical integrity rather than incorporating issues related to human development and empowerment, as in the earlier approach. Modern conflicts reflect a high level of civil wars and state collapse, resulting in a high rate of civilian victimization and displacement, particularly for women and children (EVANS, 2004; KRAUSE, 2004; MACFARLANE & KHONG, 2006)
3 The HDR tracks and monitors the progress of humanity and ranks countries with its Human Development Index (HDI). The UNDP also produces Regional Reports, which propose actions that would enable each country to achieve human development (UNDP, 2015; UL HAQ, 1995).
4 Both instruments of international law were made possible by the Canadian-led coalition and the advocacy efforts of the Human Security Network (HRH), comprising Austria, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Greece, Ireland, Jordan, Mali, the Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, Slovenia and Thailand, with South Africa as an observer. Japan was invited but declined to participate due to the emphasis on humanitarian intervention and the constitutional restriction on using force without authorization from the UN Security Council.
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