The Man from Home. Booth Tarkington

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The Man from Home - Booth Tarkington

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on the cliff at Sorrento, overlooking the Bay of Naples.

      There is a view of the bay and its semi-circular coast-line, dotted with villages; Vesuvius gray in the distance. Across the stage at the rear runs a marble balustrade about three feet high, guarding the edge of the cliff. Upon the left is seen part of one wing of the hotel, entrance to which is afforded by wide-open double doors approached by four or five marble steps with a railing and small stoop. The hotel is of pink and white stucco, and striped awnings shield the windows. Upon the right is a lemon grove and shrubberies. There are two or three small white wicker tea-tables and a number of wicker chairs upon the left, and a square table laid with white cloth on the right.

      As the curtain rises mandolins and guitars are heard, and the "Fisherman's Song," the time very rapid and gay, the musicians being unseen.[pg 014]

      MARIANO, maître d'hôtel, is discovered laying the table down R.C. with eggs, coffee, and rolls for two. He is a pleasant-faced, elderly man, stout, swarthy, clean shaven; wears dress-clothes, white waist-coat, and black tie. He is annoyed by the music.


      [calling to the unseen musicians crossly]


      [MICHELE enters from the hotel. He is young, clean-shaven except for a dark mustache, wears a white tie, a blue coat, cut like dress-coat, blue trousers with red side stripes, brass buttons; his waistcoat is of striped red and blue.]


      [speaking over his shoulder]

      Par ici, Monsieur Ribiere, pour le maître d'hôtel.

      [RIBIERE enters from the hotel.]

      [MICHELE immediately withdraws.]

      [RIBIERE is a trim, business-like young Frenchman of some distinction of appearance. He wears a well-made English dark "cutaway" walking-suit, a derby hat, and carries a handsome leather writing-case under his arm.][pg 015]


      [as he enters]

      Ah, Mariano!


      [bowing and greeting him gayly]

      Monsieur Ribiere! J'espère que vous êtes—

      [He breaks off, turns on his heel toward the invisible musicians, and shouts.]


      [He turns again quickly to RIBIERE.]


      [with a warning glance toward hotel]

      Let us speak English. There are not so many who understand.



      I hope Monsieur still occupy the exalt' position of secretar' to Monseigneur the Grand-Duke.


      [sits and opens writing-case, answers gravely]

      We will not mention the name or rank of my employer.


      [with gesture and accent of despair]

      Again incognito! Every year he come to our hotel for two, three day, but always incognito.

      [He finishes setting the table.]

      We lose the honor to have it known.


      [looking at his watch]

      He comes in his automobile from Naples. Everything is to be as on my employer's former visits—strictly incognito. It [pg 016] is understood every one shall address him as Herr von Gröllerhagen—


      [repeating the name carefully]

      Herr von Gröllerhagen—


      He wishes to be thought a German.

      [Takes a note-book from case.]


      Such a man! of caprice? Excentrique? Ha!


      You have said it. Last night he talked by chance to a singular North American in the hotel at Napoli. To-day he has that stranger for companion in the automobile. I remonstrate. What use? He laugh for half an hour!


      He is not like those cousin of his at St. Petersburg an' Moscowa. An' yet though Monseigneur is so good an' generoso, will not the anarchist strike against the name of royalty himself? You have not the fear?


      [opening his note-book]

      I have. He has not. I take what precaution I can secretly from him. You have few guests?



      It is so early in the season. Those poor musician'

      [nodding off right]

      they wait always at every gate, to play when they see any one coming. There is only seex peoples in the 'ole house! All of one party.[pg 017]


      Good! Who are they?


      There is Milor', an English Excellency—the Earl of Hawcastle; there is his son, the Excellency Honorabile Almeric St. Aubyn; there is Miladi Creeshe, an English Miladi who is sister-in-law to Milor' Hawcastle.


      [taking notes]

      Three English.


      There is an American Signorina, Mees Granger-Seempsone. Miladi Creeshe travel with her to be chaperone.


      She is young, generosa, she give money to every one, she is multa bella, so pretty, weeth charm—



      You speak now of Lady Creeshe?


      [taken aback]

      Oh no, no, no! Miladi Creeshe is ol' lady

      [tapping his ears]

      Not hear well. Deaf. No pourboires. Nothing. I speak of the young American lady, Mees Granger-Seempsone who the English Honorabile son of Milor' Hawcastle wish to espouse, I think.


      Who else is there?


      There is the brother of Mees Granger-Seempsone, a young gentleman of North America. He make the eyes


      all day at another lady who is of the party, a French lady, Comtesse de Champigny. Ha, ha! That amuse' me![pg 018]




      Beckoss I think Comtesse de Champigny is a such good friend of the ol' English Milor' Hawcastle. A maître d'hôtel see many things, an' I think Milor' Hawcastle and Madame de Champigny have know each other from long, perhaps. This déjeuner is for them.


      And who else?


      It is all.


      Good! no Russians?


      I think Milor' Hawcastle and Madame de Champigny have been in Russia sometime.


      [putting his note-book

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