"Miss Lou". Edward Payson Roe

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that you will learn at the proper time. Everything shall go as simply, naturally and merrily as fate. The blessing of parent and guardian, the clergyman in robes, prayer-book, wedding feast—nothing shall be wanting."

      "This is absurd talk," she cried, and rushed to the house. In the upper hall she encountered her aunt engaged in superintending a general dusting and polishing of the old-fashioned furniture.

      "What is the meaning of this wild talk of Cousin Madison?" the girl asked, breathlessly.

      "I've heard no wild talk," was the cool response.

      "Well, come into my room and hear it, then."

      Mrs. Baron reluctantly followed, rather aggrieved that she must bear the first brunt of the storm.

      "What are you putting the house in such wonderful order for?" asked

       Miss Lou, with flashing eyes. "What do all these preparations mean?

       What is Aunt Whately coming here for this evening?"

      "It is very natural she should wish to be present at her son's wedding," was the quiet and exasperating answer.

      "When is this wedding to be?" was the next query, accompanied by a harsh laugh.

      "I think we can be ready by to-morrow evening."

      "Are you a woman, that you can thus try to sacrifice the motherless girl committed to your charge?"

      "So far from sacrificing you, I am trying to further your best interests, and at the same time carrying out the wishes of my husband and your guardian. These are solemn times, in which you need every safeguard and protection. We should be faithless, indeed, to our trust did we not give a brave soldier the best right in the world to shield and care for you."

      "Bah!" cried the girl, now almost furious. "Where's uncle?"

      "In his office, I suppose."

      Whately had preceded her thither, and had already made known to Mr. Baron the nature of his interview with his cousin, adding: "Our best policy will be just to take our course as a matter of course, in a genial, friendly way. We certainly are the girl's best friends, and it won't be long before she acknowledges the fact. All we do is to secure her safety, welfare and happiness. She will be as skittish as a blooded filly over it all at first—a feature in the case which only increases my admiration and affection. She doesn't and can't realize the need of the step, how it's best for all concerned in general and herself in particular. The thing to do, therefore, is to go right straight along. Mother will be here this evening, and will do much toward talking her into it. Lou's anger and revolt will probably be well over by to-morrow, and all—"

      Further predictions were interrupted by the swift entrance of the girl. She stood still a moment and regarded the two men in silent scorn. "So you are plotting?" she said at last.

      "Oh, dear, no, sweet coz. Nothing is more foreign to my nature than plotting. I am a man of action."

      "If your words have any truth or meaning, you are bent on very dishonorable action."

      "Far from it. I shall have the sanction of both Church and State."

      "This, then, is the boasted Southern chivalry of which I have heard so much."

      "It has been knightly in all times to protect and rescue lovely woman."

      "I need no protection, except against you. Please leave the room. I wish to speak to uncle."

      He attempted to kiss her hand as he passed out, but she snatched it away. "Uncle," she said, coming directly to him, "can it be that you sanction anything so wicked as this? It seems as if you and aunt were permitting my cousin to put upon me a cruel practical joke."

      "Ahem! Your very words, Louise, prove how unfit you are to judge and act in accordance with this emergency. You even dream that we are in a mood for jesting at this time, when our days and even hours may be numbered. No, indeed. I am resolved to unite with my protection all the power and dignity vested in a Confederate officer."

      "In other words, to shield me against some possible danger you will try to inflict on me the worst thing that could happen."

      "Hoity-toity! Is an honorable marriage which has always been contemplated the worst that could happen? If we are driven forth by hordes of Northern vandals, you would think it the best thing that had happened."

      "I don't fear these Northern vandals. I have"—and then she checked herself in time.

      "You don't fear them! Why, Louise, every word you speak makes it more imperative that I should act for one so utterly inexperienced and ignorant."

      "Do you actually mean to say that you will try to marry me against my will?"

      "Certainly, against your present will. Do you suppose that I can be guided in my solemn trust by your petulance, your ignorant notions of life, and your almost childish passion? In France, the most civilized country in the world, parents and guardians arrange these affairs as a matter of course, and with the best results. It is the general method all over the world. Far more than mere family and pecuniary interests are concerned in this instance. We are giving you a protector in the time of your deepest need."

      "How could Lieutenant Whately protect me if the Yankees should come in numbers?"

      "In more ways than you can imagine. Moreover, he would probably be permitted to escort you and your mother to a place of safety. You would have his name, and the name of a Confederate officer would always entitle you to respect."

      "Oh, this is dreadful!" cried the girl, bewildered and almost paralyzed by the old man's inexorable words and manner. So unsophisticated was she, so accustomed to be governed, that the impression was strong that she could be controlled even in this supreme crisis.

      She rushed into the parlor, where her cousin was striding up and down in a whirl of the glad excitement so congenial to his spirit. "Cousin Madison," she exclaimed, "I know you are hasty and impetuous, but generous impulses should go with such a nature. You surely will not use your advantage against an orphan girl?"

      "No, indeed, dear coz, not against, but for you. I love you too well to leave you to the chances of war."

      "Oh, but this is the certainty of evil. You know I do not love you. If you would wait—if you would give me time to think it all over—"

      "Why, so you shall when I've escorted you and mother to some place where none can molest or make you afraid."

      "Escort me, then, as I am, under your mother's care. Truly this would be a better way to win my heart than such hasty violence to all my feelings and wishes."

      "My dear Louise, you may think me a hasty, inconsiderate wooer to-day, but that is because you do not know all that I know. I must, like your guardians, be guided by your best welfare. When you learn to know me as a kind, loyal, considerate husband, you will appreciate my most friendly and decisive action at this time. You are in great danger; you may soon be homeless. In the case of one so young and fair as you are, those who love you, as you know I do passionately, must act, not in accordance with your passing mood, but in a way to secure your peace and honor for all time."

      "Oh, this is all a terrible dream! You can—you can protect me as your cousin, should I need any such protection, which I cannot believe. Northern soldiers are not savages. I know it! I know it!"

      "How can you know it? Have I not seen more of them than you have? I tell you that for the honor of our house I shall and will give you the protection of my name at once. Your uncle and aunt feel as strongly as I do about it, and your happiness will be the only result. We Southern people take no chances in these matters."

      Overwhelmed, frightened, bewildered, the girl left the room and mournfully climbed to her own apartment. She was too utterly absorbed in her own desperate plight to observe Zany whisking away in the background.

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