The Iliad of Homer. Homer

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The Iliad of Homer - Homer

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Finds none, because, pernicious as she is,

       She is thy daughter. She hath now the mind1045

       Of haughty Diomede with madness fill'd

       Against the immortal Gods; first Venus bled;

       Her hand he pierced impetuous, then assail'd,

       137 As if himself immortal, even me,

       But me my feet stole thence, or overwhelm'd1050

       Beneath yon heaps of carcases impure,

       What had I not sustain'd? And if at last

       I lived, had halted crippled by the sword.

      To whom with dark displeasure Jove replied.

       Base and side-shifting traitor! vex not me1055

       Here sitting querulous; of all who dwell

       On the Olympian heights, thee most I hate

       Contentious, whose delight is war alone.

       Thou hast thy mother's moods, the very spleen

       Of Juno, uncontrolable as she.1060

       Whom even I, reprove her as I may,

       Scarce rule by mere commands; I therefore judge

       Thy sufferings a contrivance all her own.

       But soft. Thou art my son whom I begat.

       And Juno bare thee. I can not endure1065

       That thou shouldst suffer long. Hadst thou been born

       Of other parents thus detestable,

       What Deity soe'er had brought thee forth,

       Thou shouldst have found long since a humbler sphere.

      He ceased, and to the care his son consign'd1070

       Of Pæon; he with drugs of lenient powers,

       Soon heal'd whom immortality secured

       From dissolution. As the juice from figs

       Express'd what fluid was in milk before

       Coagulates, stirr'd rapidly around,1075

       So soon was Mars by Pæon skill restored.

       Him Hebe bathed, and with divine attire

       Graceful adorn'd; when at the side of Jove

       Again his glorious seat sublime he took.

      Meantime to the abode of Jove supreme1080

       Ascended Juno throughout Argos known

       And mighty Pallas; Mars the plague of man,

       By their successful force from slaughter driven.

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