Complications in Equine Surgery. Группа авторов

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Complications in Equine Surgery - Группа авторов

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of a 30‐year...Figure 28.4 (a) Postoperative transabdominal ultrasonographic image from the...Figure 28.5 Postoperative transabdominal ultrasonographic evaluation of a 6‐...Figure 28.6 Transabdominal ultrasonographic image (obtained at the right ing...Figure 28.7 Cytology of peritoneal fluid from a horse with septic peritoniti...Figure 28.8 Schematic outlining the pathophysiology associated with pyrexia....Figure 28.9 Excessive per‐incisional edema can be an indication of a surgica...Figure 28.10 Ultrasonographic image of a ventral midline surgical site 10 da...Figure 28.11 Trans‐thoracic ultrasonographic appearance of a horse with pneu...Figure 28.12 Transtracheal wash kits are available and human central venous ...Figure 28.13 A 10‐year‐old Thoroughbred broodmare had a Cesarean section for...Figure 28.14 Photograph shows a horse that developed what appeared to be an ...Figure 28.15 Drainage of purulent material from the incision.Figure 28.16 Ultrasonographic image of a body wall defect in a 30‐year‐old p...Figure 28.17 Ultrasonographic image of the abdominal ventral midline of a 13...Figure 28.18 Diagnosis of a body wall hernia is typically made by the owner ...Figure 28.19 Abdominal hernia belt (CM Equine Products). Note that the herni...Figure 28.20 Pressure necrosis of the withers associated with an improperly ...Figure 28.21 Hernia formation should not affect athletic activity (horse fro...Figure 28.22 Horse with bilateral septic jugular vein thrombophlebitis; (a) ...Figure 28.23 Ultrasonographic appearance of the horse from Figure 28.23. Not...Figure 28.24 Mesenteric hemorrhage identified at repeat celiotomy in a 19‐ye...Figure 28.25 Ultrasonographic appearance of a hemoperitoneum. Note the large...Figure 28.26 Horse that had undergone a previous jejunoileostomy that develo...Figure 28.27 Ultrasonographic appearance of the intramural cecal abscess in ...Figure 28.28 (a) Bowel‐to‐bowel fibrinous adhesions: with fibrinous adhesion...Figure 28.29 Severe laminitis with rotation of the distal phalanx through th...

      21 Chapter 30Figure 30.1 Laparoscopic incisional mesh hernioplasty: (a) Preoperative appe...Figure 30.2 The appearance of a seroma occupying the original hernia sac 24 ...Figure 30.3 Clinical appearance of chronic mesh infection. Three of several ...Figure 30.4 Laparoscopic image of a composite mesh prosthesis in position, i...Figure 30.5 Open mesh incisional hernioplasty. Preoperative (a) and 90 days ...Figure 30.6 Laparoscopic appearance of failed open mesh hernioplasty conduct...

      22 Chapter 32Figure 32.1 Intraoperative videoendoscopic image of the ventral aspect of th...Figure 32.2 Postoperative videoendoscopic image of the ventral aspect of the...Figure 32.3 An epiglottic hook is being used elevate the aryepiglottic fold ...Figure 32.4 Postoperative videoendoscopic image of the ventral aspect of the...Figure 32.5 Granulation tissue mass associated with aryepiglottic fold follo...Figure 32.6 Postoperative videoendoscopic image of the epiglottis showing su...Figure 32.7 Videoendoscopic image of the corniculate processes of the laryng...

      23 Chapter 33Figure 33.1 Anatomy of the sinuses. (a) Close‐up image of the sinus compartm...Figure 33.2 Photograph of the dorsal aspect of the head of a horse after fro...Figure 33.3 (a) Photograph of the left side of the head of a horse at approx...

      24 Chapter 34Figure 34.1 Intraoperative view on a horse under general anesthesia and dors...Figure 34.2 Intraoperative view during an LTF procedure. Rostral is to the l...Figure 34.3 Radiographic assessment of the stability of the sutures after a ...Figure 34.4 (a) Endoscopic view of the pharynx of a horse that underwent a s...Figure 34.5 Endoscopic view of the nasopharynx of a horse 1 month after lase...

      25 Chapter 35Figure 35.1 Latex arterial injection anatomical dissection showing the left ...Figure 35.2 (a) Tie back being performed on a horse under standing sedation....Figure 35.3 Left side (a) rostral to the left of the image and dorso‐rostral...Figure 35.4 (a) Tie back being performed on a horse under standing sedation....Figure 35.5 Tie back being performed on a horse under standing sedation. Ros...Figure 35.6 Endoscopic view of the lumen of the larynx and trachea showing p...Figure 35.7 Dorsal (a and b) and lateral (c) views of an anatomic specimen w...Figure 35.8 Resting endoscopic view of the larynx of a horse 48 hours after ...Figure 35.9 Dynamic endoscopic view of the larynx of a horse with dynamic up...Figure 35.10 Retrograde swallowing test. (a) The endoscope is introduced thr...Figure 35.11 Endoscopic view of the larynx of a horse that was coughing and ...Figure 35.12 Laser ventriculo‐cordectomy. (a) Fiber is placed inside the lef...Figure 35.13 Partial arytenoidectomy (PA). (a) Dysphagia after excessive tis...Figure 35.14 Laser transection of epiglottic entrapment. A low power (6 to 8...Figure 35.15 Permanent displacement of the soft palate associated with infla...

      26 Chapter 36Figure 36.1 Transverse section of the interior of the left guttural pouch to...Figure 36.2 Parotid salivary duct (a) is part of duct exposed on lateral asp...Figure 36.3 (a) Dorsal view of the normal anatomy of the terminal portions o...Figure 36.4 Laterolateral radiograph taken the day after insertion of a nond...Figure 36.5 Landmarks used to locate the internal carotid artery in the gutt...Figure 36.6 Accidental penetration of the defect in the internal carotid art...Figure 36.7 Role of the “steal phenomenon” to cause blindness after some, bu...Figure 36.8 Anatomy of the left lateral aspect of the stylohyoid apparatus, ...

      27 Chapter 38Figure 38.1 Left hemithorax thoracic tube placed within the 13th intercostal...

      28 Chapter 39Figure 39.1 This horse developed a hematoma in the sutured scrotum after cas...Figure 39.2 Intraoperative image of a horse anesthetized and in dorsal recum...Figure 39.3 Sands emasculator. This emasculator is similar to a Reimer emasc...Figure 39.4 Close‐up view of the Henderson Equine Castrating Instrument (Sto...Figure 39.5 The Henderson Equine Castrating Instrument (Stone Manufacturing ...Figure 39.6 A Stille kidney clamp has been attached to the end of the severe...Figure 39.7 This horse suffered eventration 4 hours after being castrated wh...Figure 39.8 Prolapse of the greater omentum from the abdomen and inguinal ca...Figure 39.9 Excised infected spermatic cords of a horse that developed bilat...Figure 39.10 Intraoperative image of a pony anesthetized and in dorsal recum...Figure 39.11 An accumulation of fluid within the scrotum caused by formation...Figure 39.12 Intraoperative image of a horse anesthetized and in dorsal recu...Figure 39.13 Intraoperative image of a horse anesthetized and in dorsal recu...Figure 39.14 Intraoperative image of a horse anesthetized and in dorsal recu...Figure 39.15 Intraoperative image of a horse anesthetized and in dorsal recu...Figure 39.16 The ligament of the tail of the epididymis (LTE) connects the v...Figure 39.17 The proper ligament of the testis of an abdominal testis is som...Figure 38.18 (a) An inguinal approach has been made to the inguinal canal on...

      29 Chapter 40Figure 40.1 Perineal urethrotomy or a spongiotomy can be performed to resolv...Figure 40.2 A complication of partial phallectomy is hemorrhage from a corpo...Figure 40.3 Stenosis of the urethral stoma after partial phallectomy perform...Figure 40.4 Reappearance of a carcinoma after partial phallectomy performed ...Figure 40.5 Dehiscence of the sutured internal lamina of the prepuce of a do...Figure 40.6 Intraoperative image of a horse anesthetized and in dorsal recum...Figure 40.7 This diagram shows the transverse section of the penile shaft. A...

      30 Chapter 41Figure 41.1 An écraseur is used to cut and crush the ovarian pedicle when pe...Figure 41.2 Intraoperative image of a mare undergoing ovariectomy while anes...Figure 41.3 Intraoperative image of a mare undergoing hysterectomy using a c...Figure 41.4 Intraoperative image of a mare undergoing Cesarean section. The ...

      31 Chapter 42Figure 42.1 Vaginoscopic examination of a standing mare showing urine in the...Figure 42.2 The Pouret procedure to resolve vesicovaginal reflux. Separating...Figure 42.3 (a–e) The Brown procedure to resolve vesicovaginal reflux. The u...Figures 42.4 The Shires and Kaneps procedure to resolve vesicovaginal reflux...Figure 42.5 The McKinnon and Beldon procedure to resolve vesicovaginal reflu...Figure 42.6 Urethral extension with a fistula. The blue‐stained balloon of a...Figure 42.7 Vaginoscopic examination of a standing mare showing a cervical l...Figure 42.8 This mare developed pyometra when luminal adhesions developed in...Figure 42.9 Endoscopic picture of a healed cervix after a wedge resection to...Figure 42.10 Repair of an acute rectovestibular laceration is seldom success...Figure 42.11 To reconstruct the rectovestibular tissue, submucosa between th...Figure 42.12 Rectovestibular fistulae. A fistula of this size is best conver...Figure 42.13 Prolapse of the bladder of a mare caused by cystitis resulting ...

      32 Chapter 44Figure 44.1 (a) Lateromedial radiographic view of the left front foot of a h...Figure 44.2 Dorsolateroplantaromedial oblique radiographic view of the right...

      33 Chapter 45Figure 45.1 Damage to the tip of a 30‐degree rigid endoscope. Note multiple ...Figure

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