The Best Western Novels of William MacLeod Raine. William MacLeod Raine

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The Best Western Novels of William MacLeod Raine - William MacLeod Raine

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is one of the Lost Valley desperadoes implicated in the Squaw Creek raid some months ago. Since the bullet that killed Faulkner was probably fired from the rifle carried by this man, it is safe to assume that the actual murderer was apprehended. The man is above medium height, well built and muscular, and carries all the earmarks of a desperate character.”

      Arlie glanced up from her reading to smile at Fraser. “Dad and I are miscreants, and you are a ruffian and a desperate character,” she told him gayly.

      “Go on, honey,” her father urged.

      The account told how the prisoner had been confined in the jail, and how the citizens, wrought up by the continued lawlessness of the Lost Valley district, had quietly gathered to make an example of the captured man. While condemning lynching in general, the Avalanche wanted to go on record as saying that if ever it was justifiable this was the occasion. Unfortunately, the prisoner, giving thus further evidence of his desperate nature, had cut his way out of prison with a pocketknife and escaped from town by means of a horse he found saddled and did not hesitate to steal. At the time of going to press he had not yet been recaptured, though Sheriff Brandt had several posses on his trail. The outlaw had cut the telephone wires, but it was confidently believed he would be captured before he reached his friends in the mountains.

      Arlie’s eyes were shining. She looked at Briscoe and handed him the paper triumphantly. This was her vindication for bringing the hunted man to Lost Valley. He had been fighting their battles and had almost lost his life in doing it. Jed might say what he liked while she had this to refute him.

      “I guess that editor doesn’t believe so confidently as he pretends,” she said. “Anyhow, he has guessed wrong. Mr. Fraser has reached his friends, and they’ll look out for him.”

      Her father came to her support radiantly. “You bet yore boots they will, honey. Shake hands on it, Mr. Fraser. I reckon yore satisfied too, Jed. Eh, boy?”

      Briscoe viewed the scene with cynical malice. “Quite a hero, ain’t he? If you want to know, I stand pat. Mr. Fraser from Texas don’t draw the wool over my eyes none. Right now I serve notice to that effect. Meantime, since I don’t aim to join the happy circle of his admirers, I reckon I’ll duck.”

      He nodded impudently at Arlie, turned on his heel, and went trailing off with jingling spur. They heard him cursing at his horse as he mounted. The cruel swish of a quirt came to them, after which the swift pounding of a horse’s hoofs. The cow pony had found its gallop in a stride.

      The Texan laughed lightly. “Exit Mr. Briscoe, some disappointed,” he murmured.

      He noticed that none of the others shared his mirth.

      Chapter VI.

       A Sure Enough Wolf

       Table of Contents

      Briscoe did not return at once to the scene of the round-up. He followed the trail toward Jackson’s Pocket, but diverged after he had gone a few miles and turned into one of the hundred blind gulches that ran out from the valley to the impassable mountain wall behind. It was known as Jack Rabbit Run, because its labyrinthine trails offered a retreat into which hunted men might always dive for safety. Nobody knew its recesses better than Jed Briscoe, who was acknowledged to be the leader of that faction in the valley which had brought it the bad name it held.

      Long before Jed’s time there had been such a faction, then the dominant one of the place, now steadily losing ground as civilization seeped in, but still strong because bound by ties of kindred and of interest to the honest law-abiding majority. Of it were the outlaws who came periodically to find shelter here, the hasty men who had struck in heat and found it necessary to get beyond the law’s reach for a time, and reckless cowpunchers, who foregathered with these, because they were birds of a feather. To all such, Jack Rabbit Run was a haven of rest.

      By devious paths the cattleman guided his horse until he came to a kind of pouch, guarded by a thick growth of aspens. The front of these he skirted, plunged into them at the farther edge, and followed a narrow trail which wound among them till the grove opened upon a saucer-shaped valley in which nestled a little log cabin. Lights gleamed from the windows hospitably and suggested the comfortable warmth of a log fire and good-fellowship. So many a hunted man had thought as he emerged from that grove to look down upon the valley nestling at his feet.

      Jed turned his horse into a corral back of the house, let out the hoot of an owl as he fed and watered, and returning to the cabin, gave the four knocks that were the signal for admission.

      Bolts were promptly withdrawn and the door thrown open by a slender, fair-haired fellow, whose features looked as if they had been roughed out and not finished. He grinned amiably at the newcomer and greeted him with: “Hello, Jed.”

      “Hello, Tommie,” returned Briscoe, carelessly, and let his glance pass to the three men seated at the table with cards and poker chips in front of them, The man facing Briscoe was a big, heavy-set, unmistakable ruffian with long, drooping, red mustache, and villainous, fishy eyes. It was observable that the trigger finger of his right hand was missing. Also, there was a nasty scar on his right cheek running from the bridge of the nose halfway to the ear. This gave surplusage to the sinister appearance he already had. To him Briscoe spoke first, attempting a geniality he did not feel.

      “How’re they coming, Texas?”

      “You ain’t heard me kicking any, have you?” the man made sullen answer.

      “Not out loud,” said Briscoe significantly, his eyes narrowing after a trick they had when he was most on his guard.

      “I reckon my remarks will be plumb audible when I’ve got any kick to register, seh.”

      “I hope not, Mr. Johnson. In this neck of woods a man is liable to get himself disliked if he shoots off his mouth too prevalent. Folks that don’t like our ways can usually find a door open out of Lost Valley—if they don’t wait too long!”

      “I’m some haidstrong. I reckon I’ll stay.” He scowled at Jed with disfavor, meeting him eye to eye. But presently the rigor of his gaze relaxed. Me remembered that he was a fugitive from justice, and at the mercy of this man who had so far guessed his secret. Putting a temporary curb on his bilious jealousy, he sulkily added: “Leastways, if there’s no objection, Mr. Briscoe. I ain’t looking for trouble with anybody.”

      “A man who’s looking for it usually finds it, Mr. Johnson. A man that ain’t, lives longer and more peaceable.” At this point Jed pulled himself together and bottled his arrogance, remembering that he had come to make an alliance with this man. “But that’s no way for friends to talk. I got a piece of news for you. We’ll talk it over in the other room and not disturb these gentlemen.”

      One of the “gentlemen” grinned. He was a round-bodied, bullet-headed cowpuncher, with a face like burnt leather. He was in chaps, flannel shirt, and broad-brimmed hat. From a pocket in his chaps a revolver protruded. “That’s right, Jed. Wrap it up proper. You’d hate to disturb us, wouldn’t you?”

      “I’ll not interrupt you from losing your money more than five minutes, Yorky,” answered Briscoe promptly.

      The third man at the table laughed suddenly. “Ay bane laik to know how yuh feel now, Yorky?” he taunted.

      “It ain’t you that’s taking my spondulix in, you big, overgrown Swede!” returned Yorky amiably. “It’s the gent from Texas. How can a fellow buck against luck that fills from a pair to a full house on the draw?”

      The blond giant, Siegfried—who was not a Swede, but a Norwegian—announced that he was seventeen dollars in the game himself.

      Tommie, already broke, and an onlooker, reported sadly.

      “Sixty-one for me, durn it!”

      Jed picked up a lamp, led the way to the other room, and closed the door behind them.


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