The Best Western Novels of William MacLeod Raine. William MacLeod Raine

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The Best Western Novels of William MacLeod Raine - William MacLeod Raine

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stockman's eyes had grown hard. "I think Keller's covering his own tracks. Of course we've got no direct proof, but——"

      "We have," she broke in.

      "I can't see it. According to Jim Yeager——"

      "Jim lied. I asked him to."


      "I asked him to say that this man had come there to work for him. Jim was not to blame."


      She threw out a gesture of self-contempt. "Why did I do it? I don't know. Because he was wounded, I suppose."

      "Wounded! Then I did hit him?"

      "Yes. In the arm—a flesh wound. I met him riding through the mesquite. After I had tied up his wound, I took him to Jim's."

      His eyes narrowed slightly. "So you tied up his wound?"

      "Yes," she answered defiantly, her head up.

      "That tender heart of yours," he murmured, with almost a sneer.

      "Yes. I'm a fool."

      He shrugged his shoulders. "Oh, well."

      "And he pays me back by trying to throw it on Phil. Hunt him down, Brill. Bring him to me. I'll tell all I know against him," she cried vindictively.

      "I'll get him, Phyl," he promised, and the sound of his laughter was not pleasant. "I'll get him for you, or find out why."

      "Think of him trying to put it on Phil, and after I stood by him and kept his secret. Isn't that the worst ever?" the girl flamed.

      "He rode away not five minutes ago as big as coffee on that ugly roan of his with the white stockings; knew what we thought about him, but didn't pay any more attention to us than as if we were bumps on a log."

      Healy strode out to the porch, told his story, and within five minutes had organized his posse and appointed a rendezvous for two hours later at Seven Mile.

      At the appointed time his men were on hand, six of them, armed with rifles and revolvers, ready for grim business.

      From her window Phyllis saw them ride away, and persuaded herself that she was glad. Vengeance was about to fall upon this insolent freebooter who had not even manhood enough to appreciate a kindness. But as the hours passed she was beset by a consuming anxiety. What more likely than that he would resist! If so, there could be only one end. She could not keep her thoughts from those seven men whom she had sent against the one.

      There was nobody to whom she could talk about it, for Phil and her father were away at Noches. Restless as a caged panther, she twice had her horse brought to the door, and rode into the hills to meet her posse. But she could not be sure which way they would come, and after venturing a short distance she would return for fear they might arrive in her absence. Night had fallen over the country, and the stars were out long before she got back the second time. Nine—ten—eleven o'clock struck, and still no sign of those for whom she waited.

      At last they came, their prisoner riding in the midst, bareheaded and with his hands tied.

      "I've got him, Phyl!" Healy cried in a voice that told the girl he was riding on a wave of triumph.

      "I see you have."

      Nevertheless she looked not at the victor, but at the vanquished, and never had she seen a man who looked more master of his fate than this one. He was smiling down at her whimsically, and she saw they had not taken him without a struggle. The marks of it were on them and on him. Healy's cheek bone was laid open in a nasty cut, and Slim had a handkerchief tied round his head.

      As for Keller, his shirt was in ribbons and dyed with the stains of blood from the wound that had broken out again in the battle. The hair on the left side of his head was clotted with dried blood, and his cheeks were covered with it. Both eyes were blacked, and hands and face were scratched badly. But his mien was as jaunty, his smile as gallant, as if he had come at the head of a conquering army.

      "Good evenin', Miss Sanderson," he bowed ironically.

      She looked at him, and turned away without answering. She heard Healy curse softly and knew why. This man contrived somehow to rob him of his triumph.

      "You are none of you hurt, Brill?" the girl asked in a low voice.

      "No. He fought like a wild cat, but we took him by surprise. He had only his bare fists."

      "How about him? Is he hurt?"

      "I don't know—or care," the man answered sullenly.

      "But he must be looked to."

      "I don't know why. It ain't my fault we had to beat him up."

      "I didn't say it was your fault, Brill," she answered gently. "But any one can see he has lost a lot of blood, and his wounds are full of dust. They must be washed. I want him brought into the house. Aunt Becky and I will look after him."

      "No need of that. Slim will fix him up."

      She shook her head. "No, Brill."

      His eyes gave way first, but his surrender came with a bad grace.

      "All right, Phyl. But he's going to be covered by a gun all the time. I'm not taking chances on him."

      "Then have him taken into my den. I'll wake Aunt Becky and we'll be there in a few minutes."

      When Phyllis arrived with Aunt Becky she found the nester sitting on the lounge, Healy opposite him with a revolver close to his hand. The prisoner's arms had been freed. His sardonic smile still twitched at the corners of his mouth.

      "You've ce'tainly begun your practice on a disreputable patient, Doctor Sanderson. I haven't had time to comb my hair since that little séance with your friends. We sure did have a sociable time. They're all good mixers." He looked into the long glass opposite, laughed at sight of his swollen face, then rattled into a misquotation of some verses he remembered:

      "There's many a black black eye, they say,

       but none so bright as mine;

       For I'm to be Queen o' the May, mother,

       I'm to be Queen o' the May."

      "Put the water and things down on that table, Becky," her mistress told her, ignoring the man's blithe folly.

      "I'm giving you lots of chances to do the Good Samaritan act," he continued. "Honest, I hate to be so much trouble. You'll have to blame Mr. Healy. He's the responsible party for these little accidents of mine."

      "I'm going to be responsible for one more," the stockman told him darkly.

      "I understand your intentions are good, but I've noticed that sometimes expectation outruns performance," his prisoner came back promptly.

      "Not this time, I think."

      Phyllis understood that Brill was threatening the nester and that the latter was defying him lightly, but what either meant precisely she did not know. She proceeded to business without a word except the necessary directions to Becky. Not until the arm was dressed and the wound on the head washed and bandaged did she address Keller.

      "I'll send you a powder that will help you get to sleep. The doctor left it here for Phil, and he did not need it," she said.

      "Mebbe I won't need it, either." Keller laughed hardily, at his enemy it seemed to the girl, and with some hint of a sinister understanding between them from which she was excluded. "Thanks just the same, for that and for everything else you've done for me."

      Phyllis said "Good night" stiffly, and followed the old negress out. She went directly to her bedroom, but not to sleep. The night was hot, and it had been to her a day full of excitement. She had much to think of. Going to the open window, she sat down in a low chair with her arms across the sill.

      Two men met beneath her window.

      "Gimme the makings, Slim," one said to the other.


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