The Best Western Novels of William MacLeod Raine. William MacLeod Raine

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The Best Western Novels of William MacLeod Raine - William MacLeod Raine

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I claim they steal mine. It's rather difficult to have an exact regard for mine and thine before the courts decide which is which."

      "And meanwhile, in order to forestall an adverse decision, you are working extra shifts to get all the ore out of the disputed veins."

      "Precisely, just as they are," he admitted dryly. "Then the side that loses will not be so disappointed, since the value of the veins will be less. Besides, stealing ore openly doesn't count. It is really a moral obligation in a fight like this," he explained.

      "A moral obligation?"

      "Exactly. You can't hit a trust over the head with the decalogue. Modern business is war. Somebody is bound to get hurt. If I win out it will be because I put up a better fight than the Consolidated, and cripple it enough to make it let me alone. I'm looking out for myself, and I don't pretend to be any better than my neighbors. When you get down to bed-rock honesty, I've never seen it in business. We're all of us as honest as we think we can afford to be. I haven't noticed that there is any premium on it in Mesa. Might makes right. I'll win if I'm strong enough; I'll fail if I'm not. That's the law of life. I didn't make this strenuous little world, and I'm not responsible for it. If I play I have to take the rules the way they are, not the way I should like them to be. I'm not squeamish, and I'm not a hypocrite. Simon Harley isn't squeamish, either, but he happens to be a hypocrite. So there you have the difference between us."

      The president of the Mesa Ore-producing Company set forth his creed jauntily, without the least consciousness of need for apology for the fact that it happened to be divorced from morality. Its frank disregard of ethical considerations startled Miss Balfour without shocking her. She liked his candor, even though it condemned him. It was really very nice of him to take her impudence so well. He certainly wasn't a prig, anyway.

      "And morality," she suggested tentatively.

      "—hasn't a thing to do with success, the parsons to the contrary notwithstanding. The battle is to the strong."

      "Then the Consolidated will beat you finally."

      He smiled. "They would if I'd let them; but brains and resource and finesse all count for power. Granted that they have a hundred dollars to my one. Still, I have elements of strength they can't even estimate. David beat Goliath, you know, even though he didn't do it with a big stick."

      "So you think morality is for old women?"

      "And young women," he amended, smiling.

      "And every man is to be a law unto himself?"

      "Not quite. Some men aren't big enough to be. Let them stick to the conventional code. For me, if I make my own laws I don't break them."

      "And you're sure that you're on the road to true success?" she asked lightly.

      "Now, you have heaven in the back of your mind."

      "Not exactly," she laughed. "But I didn't expect you to understand."

      "Then I won't disappoint you," he said cheerfully.

      She came back to the concrete.

      "I should like to know whether it is true that you own the courts of Yuba County and have the decisions of the judges written at your lawyer's offices in cases between you and the Consolidated."

      "If I do," he answered easily, "I am doing just what the Consolidated would do in case they had been so fortunate as to have won the last election and seated their judicial candidates. One expects a friendly leaning from the men one put in office."

      "Isn't the judiciary supposed to be the final, incorruptible bulwark of the nation?" she pretended to want to know.

      "I believe it is supposed to be."

      "Isn't it rather—loading the dice, to interfere with the courts?"

      "I find the dice already loaded. I merely substitute others of my own."

      "You don't seem a bit ashamed of yourself."

      "I'm ashamed of the Consolidated"—he smiled.

      "That's a comfortable position to be able to take." She fixed him for a moment with her charming frown of interrogation. "You won't mind my asking these questions? I'm trying to decide whether you are too much of a pirate for me. Perhaps when I've made up my mind you won't want me," she added.

      "Oh, I'll want you!" Then coolly: "Shall we wait till you make up your mind before announcing the engagement?"

      "Don't be too sure," she flashed at him.

      "I'm horribly unsure."

      "Of course, you're laughing at me, just as you would"—she tilted a sudden sideways glance at him—"if I asked you WHY you wanted to marry me."

      "Oh, if you take me that way——"

      She interrupted airily. "I'm trying to make up my mind whether to take you at all."

      "You certainly have a direct way of getting at things."

      He studied appreciatively her piquant, tilted face; the long, graceful lines of her slender, perfect figure. "I take it you don't want the sentimental reason for my wishing to marry you, though I find that amply justified. But if you want another, you must still look to yourself for it. My business leads me to appreciate values correctly. When I desire you to sit at the head of my table, to order my house, my judgment justifies itself. I have a fancy always for the best. When I can't gratify it I do without."

      "Thank you." She made him a gay little mock curtsy "I had heard you were no carpet-knight, Mr. Ridgway. But rumor is a lying jade, for I am being told—am I not?—that in case I don't take pity on you, the lone future of a celibate stretches drear before you."

      "Oh, certainly."

      Having come to the end of that passage, she tried another. "A young man told me yesterday you were a fighter. He said he guessed you would stand the acid. What did he mean?"

      Ridgway was an egoist from head to heel. He could voice his own praises by the hour when necessary, but now he side-stepped her little trap to make him praise himself at second-hand.

      "Better ask him."

      "ARE you a fighter, then?"

      Had he known her and her whimsies less well, he might have taken her audacity for innocence.

      "One couldn't lie down, you know."

      "Of course, you always fight fair," she mocked.

      "When a fellow's attacked by a gang of thugs he doesn't pray for boxing-gloves. He lets fly with a coupling-pin if that's what comes handy."

      Her eyes, glinting sparks of mischief, marveled at him with mock reverence, but she knew in her heart that her mockery was a fraud. She did admire him; admired him even while she disapproved the magnificent lawlessness of him.

      For Waring Ridgway looked every inch the indomitable fighter he was. He stood six feet to the line, straight and strong, carrying just sufficient bulk to temper his restless energy without impairing its power. Nor did the face offer any shock of disappointment to the promise given by the splendid figure. Salient-jawed and forceful, set with cool, flinty, blue-gray eyes, no place for weakness could be found there. One might have read a moral callousness, a colorblindness in points of rectitude, but when the last word had been said, its masterful capability, remained the outstanding impression.

      "Am I out of the witness-box?" he presently asked, still leaning against the mantel from which he had been watching her impersonally as an intellectual entertainment.

      "I think so."

      "And the verdict?"

      "You know what it ought to be," she accused.

      "Fortunately, kisses go by favor, not by, merit."

      "You don't even make a pretense of deserving."

      "Give me credit for being an honest rogue, at least."

      "But a rogue?" she insisted lightly.


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