Mating Fever. Grace Goodwin

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Mating Fever - Grace Goodwin

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      “Mine.” There was that one word, witty dialogue again, but my body responded as if he’d just whispered a hundred and one erotic, naughty deeds he was going to do to me. He reached for my wrists, lifted my hands to his lips where he kissed the metal I now noticed circled my wrists.

      Atlan mating cuffs.

      Holy shit.

      Fascinated, I stared as he traced the intricate design chiseled into the metal with his tongue. I couldn’t look away from the way the metal about my wrists glinted in the light. Gold and silver tones combined to make beautiful, wide bracelets. I’d seen Atlan mating cuffs before, knew that if I turned my attention to his wrists, he would be wearing a matching pair. They felt far heavier than I’d ever imagined, significant. He acted as if they were. His body curled over mine, so possessive, as if I truly belonged to him. He kissed the palms of my hands and I felt an amazing sense of power rush through me as this giant beast of a man worshipped my skin, kissed me with a featherlight touch as if I were fragile china.

      As a woman, I should be offended by his blatant claim. I was a battle-hardened warrior and could take care of myself. But this…this…gentle giant was unmaking me.

      My body quivered like a plucked guitar string and I closed my eyes as he raised my hands above my head. Somehow I knew what was coming, knew there was a hook in the wall above my head, knew that if I let him raise my hands, I’d be bound, trapped.

      Instead of running, screaming, kicking, demanding to be freed, I lifted my arms and thrust out my chest, eager for the roughness of his tongue on my nipples. This body was his. He could have me as long as he put that perfect cock inside me.

      With my hands locked above me, he stepped back and stripped out of his pants. Naked and glorious, he was huge, his eyes peering at me through the darkness with a strange animal heat. His large hand gripped the base of his cock and he began to stroke up and down the length, bringing about a shiny pearl of fluid from the slit at the tip. I couldn’t miss the matching cuffs about his own wrists below the cut of his uniform jacket. “Mine. Mate.”

      I watched as he continued to stroke himself. “That cock is mine, beast. Give it to me.”

      Whoa! Where had that sassy wench come from? I seemed to have no control over this body, or this sharp tongue, but the beast before me didn’t seem to mind. He chuckled before dropping to his knees. Before I could blink, he’d lifted my thighs to rest on his shoulders and his tongue was inside me.

      “Yes!” I locked my ankles behind his head and held him to me. The shudder that moved through his powerful frame made me groan. His mouth was hot, so hot. But I wanted more. I needed him inside me, stretching me open, filling me up.

      He was mine. He had to be mine.

      The beast worked me with his tongue until I couldn’t think, my pussy so wet and swollen that I actually ached there, my pulse moving through me like a blowtorch. He was big and powerful, definitely one dominant male, but I had the power here. Only I could tame his beast. He would be mine forever. Forever. And he needed me, needed me to soothe his beast. My body, my acceptance, was crucial to his very survival.

      He stood, cupped my breasts, played with them. I reveled in the feel of his calloused touch. He wasn’t gentle. No, his thumbs and forefingers tweaked my already tight tips, bringing about a delicious moan and the arching of my back.

      Gripping behind my knee, he lifted me up so our bodies were aligned. I no longer felt the floor beneath my bare feet; I was supported between his heated body and the cool wall.

      “Mate,” he growled, running his tongue along my collarbone, tasting me. Marking me.

      “You’re mine. All mine,” I replied.

      When he slid the head of his cock through my slick folds, perhaps to test my readiness, I whimpered. “Yes. Do it.”


      Oh yes. I needed him to fill me up. God, was he trying to kill me with lust? “Mine. Mine. Mine. You’re mine.”

      “Beg,” his growl was nothing less than an order.

      My eyes flew open to find him watching me intently, even lost in the throes of mating fever, his beast wanted to dominate me, force me to surrender. And fuck me, if that didn’t make me hotter. I couldn’t catch my breath. My heart was going to burst from behind my rib cage and explode like a firework.

      “Please,” I breathed when his cock settled at my eager entrance.

      “Mine ’til death.”

      Those were heavy words. Like marriage vows, but insanely more serious. There was no annulment between mates, no divorce. This was a bond on an elemental level. I knew that by fucking him I was more than just sating the man. As he said, I was soothing his beast. He would be bound to me forever, a possessive, arrogant, protective, dominant alpha male. I could recite dozens of reasons I should turn him away, refuse his claim, choose someone else.

      But I wanted him. Only him. I loved the demanding, dominant lover. I wanted him fucking me so hard I wouldn’t remember my own name. I didn’t want to think, I wanted to feel. I didn’t want to worry about taking care of myself. For once in my life, I was going to give up control. I was going to let him take care of me. I was going to submit.

      My body melted at the thought. Yes. I needed him to take control, to force my mind to stop whirring and churning, just to let me feel.

      “Fill me up. Please.” I shifted my hips and had him slide into me about an inch. Just that little bit opened me, stretched me. I knew having that entire cock inside me would almost split me open. I should be running away, not settling myself on him further.

      “Now,” I said, my hands in fists above the cuffs. I was spread before him like a feast. “Now,” I repeated and cried out when he slid all the way in one long, smooth, hard stroke.

      “Mine,” he growled.

      I threw my head back as he stretched me open. The pleasure-pain triggered my first orgasm as he stared down into my eyes like a hunter, watching me, holding my gaze as my pussy clamped down on him like a fist, pulsing and gripping him as my entire body shook.

      God. More. I needed more… Pulling out, he slammed deep in one hard thrust and my back hit the wall.

      “Miss Simmons.” I heard a woman’s voice coming from far away, but ignored it as my beast filled me up with a harsh growl.

      Yes, it was so good. I loved his cock. Needed it. He pulled back, filled me again…yes!

      “Miss Simmons!” That voice again. Insistent. Exasperated. Whoever she was, couldn’t she see I was a bit busy here?

      I shook my head, focused on feeling the wall at my back, huge Atlan hands on my hips, his cock between my thighs. The sharp pinch of the cuffs forcing my body to take what he gave me, to take the pleasure, the thrill of danger that I felt placing my body under his command. Of being his. Totally. Completely. His.

      His giant cock withdrew. Thrust deep. God. So big. So hard. An edge of pain that I loved.

      “Megan?” That woman’s voice again, sounding irritated this time. I ignored her. I didn’t want her. I wanted him. His cock. His huge hands. His heat.

      “Megan! Soldier, snap out of it!”

      Oh, the voice was getting bitchy now, but I didn’t care. I shook my head and bit my lip as my mate fucked me hard. I was going to come again. God, I was so close—

      “Prepare the neural stimulant. She’s not coming out of the testing.”


      That one word triggered a memory. The doctor. The ship. Once my mind started down that slippery slope, the rest faded. He faded. I tried to hold on to him, onto the pleasure, but the feelings drifted from my mind like sand being carried away by a windstorm. I opened my eyes, blinked. There was no sexy alpha male fucking me up against a wall like I was his favorite treat.

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