Shakespeare Jest-Books. Various
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Shakespeare Jest-Books
Reprints of the Early and Very Rare Jest-Books Supposed to Have Been Used by Shakespeare
Published by Good Press, 2019
EAN 4057664581631
Table of Contents
A Hundred Mery Talys,
Mery Tales and Quicke Answeres,
¶ Of hym that said there were but two commandementes. i.
¶ Of John Adroyns in the dyuyls apparell. iii.
¶ Of the ryche man and his two sonnes. iv.
¶ Of the cockolde who gained a ring by his iudgment. v.
¶ Of the scoler that gave his shoes to cloute. vi.
¶ Of hym that said that a womans tongue was lightest of digestion. vii.
¶ Of the woman that followed her fourth husbands bere and wept. viii.
¶ Of the woman that sayd her woer came too late. ix.
¶ Of the mylner with the golden thombe. [17] x.
¶ Of the horseman of Irelande that prayde Oconer for to hange up the frere. xi.
¶ Of the preest that sayd nother corpus meus nor corpus meum. xii.
¶ Of two freres whereof the one loued nat the ele heed nor the other the tayle. xiii.
¶ Of the welche man that shroue hym for brekynge of hys faste on the fryday. xiv.
¶ Of the merchaunte of London that dyd put nobles in his mouthe in hys dethe bedde. xv.
¶ Of the mylner that stale the nuttes of the tayler that stale a shepe. xvi.
¶ Of the foure elementes where they shoulde sone be founde. xvii.
¶ Of the woman that poured the potage in the iudges male. xviii.
¶ Of the wedded men that came to heuen to clayme theyr herytage. xix.
¶ Of the merchaunte that charged his sonne to fynde one to synge for hys soule. xx.
¶ Of the mayde wasshynge clothes that answered the frere. xxi.
¶ Of the thre wyse men of Gotam. xxii.
¶ Of the graye frere that answered his penytente. xxiii.
¶ Of the gentylman that bare the sege borde on hys necke. xxiv.
¶ Of the merchantes wyfe that sayd she wolde take a nap at sermon. xxv.
¶ Of the gentylman that wysshed his tothe in the gentylwomans tayle. xxvii.
¶ Of the Welcheman that confessyd hym howe he had slayne a frere. xxviii.
¶ Of the Welcheman that coude nat gette but a lytell male. xxix.
¶ Of the gentyll woman that sayde to a gentyll man: ye haue a berde aboue and none benethe. xxx.
¶ Of the frere that sayde our Lorde fed fyue M. people with iii. fysshys. xxxi.
¶ Of the frankelyn that wold haue had the frere gone. xxxii.
¶ Of the prest that sayd Our Lady was not so curyous a woman. xxxiii.
¶ Of the good man that sayde to his wyfe he had euyll fare. xxxiv.
¶ Of the frere that had hys chylde make a laten xxxv.