Wiley GAAP: Financial Statement Disclosure Manual. Joanne M. Flood
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Financial Statement Disclosures Manual
Joanne M. Flood
Copyright © 2021 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.
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Library of Congress Cataloging‐in‐Publication Data is Available:
ISBN 9781118572085 (Hardback)
ISBN 9781119365723 (ePub)
ISBN 9781119365747 (ePDF)
Cover Design and Image: Wiley
Wiley GAAP: Financial Statements Disclosure Manual provides summaries of authoritative literature, practice alerts, and hundreds of examples of presentations and disclosures. It is organized to align fully with the structure of the FASB Codification. Chapters begin with a summary of the authoritative literature, including scope, scope exceptions, and technical alerts of relevant FASB Updates, and an alert with common areas of disclosure concerns. The remainder of each chapter contains detailed illustrations of presentations and disclosures. This organization facilitates the primary objective of the book—to assist financial statement preparers and practitioners in resolving the myriad practical problems faced in presenting financial statements.
As a bonus, a comprehensive presentation and disclosure checklist, available online to all Wiley GAAP: Financial Statement Disclosure Manual purchasers, offers practical guidance on preparing financial statements for commercial entities in accordance with GAAP. For easy reference and research, the checklist also follows the order of the Codification. To download the checklist, go to www.wiley.com/go/FSDM2021 (password: Flood).
The author's wish is that this book will serve preparers, practitioners, faculty, and students as a reliable reference tool to facilitate their understanding of, and ability to, present financial statements in accordance with the authoritative literature.
On the Horizon. Significant accounting changes are on the horizon. In the next year, the FASB is expected to make strides on the following major projects and others:
Conceptual framework projects on elements, measurement, and presentation
Identifiable intangible assets
Disclosure framework revisions on income taxes, inventory, interim reporting, government acquisitions
Disaggregation of performance information
Not‐for‐profit reporting of gifts‐in‐kind
Segment reporting
Numerous narrow scope projects
This volume is current through ASU 2020‐06. Readers are encouraged to check the FASB website for status updates to FASB projects.
Joanne M. Flood
September 2020