Spatial Impacts of Climate Change. Denis Mercier

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Spatial Impacts of Climate Change - Denis Mercier

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b...Figure 2.11. Area and thickness of the Austre Lovénbreen glacier (Svalbard) simu...Figure 2.12. The Austre Lovenbreen glacier in northwestern Spitsbergen (Svalbard...Figure 2.13. Regional share of glaciers in sea-level rise from 1961 to 2016. The...Figure 2.14. Paraglacial hazards induced by melting glaciers. For a color versio...

      3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1. The Arctic, a macro-region with variable spatialization, map propose...Figure 3.2. The political Arctic, nations and territories. For a color version o...Figure 3.3. A tenacious representation: Arctic integration through the routes of...Figure 3.4. Polar shipping routes (in nautical miles, nm) and the reduction of s...Figure 3.5. Schematic representation of interaction games between climate change...Figure 3.6. Schematic representation of the production of Arctic policies during...Figure 3.7. Simplified schematic approach to historical trajectories of national...Figure 3.8. Schematic representation of “stakeholder” actors in the Arctic. For ...Figure 3.9. The relational dynamics between “stakeholders” in northern-Arctic de...

      4 Chapter 1Figure 4.1. Projections of sea-level rise between 2000 and 2300 for two greenhou...Figure 4.2. The concept of relative sea level on coastlines as a function of dif...Figure 4.3. Flooding processes associated with different types of coasts. For a ...Figure 4.4. Distribution of world population (1999) as a function of distance (x...Figure 4.5. Schematic illustration of moving of seaside resorts as close to the ...Figure 4.6. Three possible strategies for dealing with the consequences of sea l...Figure 4.7. Schematic illustration of the increase in coastal risks due to natur...

      5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1. The life span of the paraglacial sequenceFigure 5.2. Paraglacial sedimentary cascade by compartment from sedimentary sour...Figure 5.3. Paraglacial sedimentary cascade for a small partially ice-covered po...Figure 5.4. Prograding and/or coastal erosion of the south bank of the Kongsfjor...Figure 5.5. Map of active paraglacial, paleoparaglacial and potential paraglacia...Figure 5.6. Decoupled evolution of hydrological and sedimentary signals in a par...Figure 5.7. Predisposing and triggering factors of gravity collapses and paragla...Figure 5.8. Estimated dating of the Icelandic Höfdahólar landslide in Skagafjörð...Figure 5.9. The northern slope of the Colletth0gda Mountain in the inner part of...Figure 5.10. Paraglacial Jutulhogget alluvial fans fed by the Kaldbekken stream ...Figure 5.11. Placement and fossilization of alluvial fans in the Fabergstolsdale...Figure 5.12. Example of sedimentary filling on a margin undergoing post-LIA de-i...Figure 5.13. Examples of sustainable storage phenomena in a paraglacial context....Figure 5.14. Sedimentary budgets of upper watersheds affected by mass movements ...

      6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1. Vertical profile of permafrost. The active layer (gray) thaws each s...Figure 6.2. Maps of permafrost in both hemispheres. Fora color version of this f...Figure 6.3. Map of mean annual soil temperatures (2000-2016) in the Northern Hem...Figure 6.4. Probability of occurrence of permafrost for the Northern Hemisphere ...Figure 6.5. Extension of the permafrost fringe in the French Alps. The fringe li...Figure 6.6. All radiative exchanges affecting permafrost in a complex system wit...Figure 6.7. Extension of permafrost during the Last Permafrost Maximum (LPM) in ...Figure 6.8. Simplified diagram of cascade sedimnt transfer in a para periglacial...Figure 6.9. Changing environmental forcing on the Arctic Basin coastlines and th...Figure 6.10. Large active paraperiglacial landslides related to contemporary mel...Figure 6.11. Identification of permafrost fringe subject to degradation. Modelin...Figure 6.12. Wall permafrost degradation causing gravity phenomena on high mount...Figure 6.13. (a) Annual number of collapses in the Aiguilles de Chamonix since 1...Figure 6.14. Post-LIA evolution of a rock glacier in a paraperiglacial contextFigure 6.15. Distribution of infrastructure at risk in stations of the French Al...

      7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1. Annual mean air temperatures at Yakutsk from 1880 to 2017 (Eastern S...Figure 7.2. Surface hydrologic functioning of permafrost zones: (a) undisturbed;...Figure 7.3. Thermokarst depressions in Eastern Siberia (central from the main la...Figure 7.4. Lake development related to the degradation of large permafrost ice ...Figure 7.5. Baydjarakhs on the shore of a lake related to the degradation of lar...Figure 7.6. Map of the main Arctic rivers with minimum and maximum monthly disch...Figure 7.7. Lena in eastern Siberia in winter. For a color version of this figur...Figure 7.8. Lena River in eastern Siberia - ice jam. The flood of May 2010 reach...Figure 7.9. Lena River in eastern Siberia - the consequences of the May 2010 ice...Figure 7.10. The ratio between maximum and minimum water discharge rate (black c...Figure 7.11. Date of onset of breakup on the Lena at Tabaga in 1954 to 2017. In ...Figure 7.12. Flooding of the plain in May 2012 (Yakutia, upstream of Yakutsk). F...Figure 7.13. Example of summer floods on the Lena at Tabaga (Roshydromet data). ...Figure 7.14. Average monthly flows per decade from Lena to Tabaga station (1936-...

      8 Chapter 1Figure 8.1. The global climate mosaic according to the Koppen-Geiger classificat...Figure 8.2. Breakdown of the total volume of abstractions (in billions ofm3) acc...Figure 8.3. Application of the dimensionless representation Q/P = f(P/PET) to a ...Figure 8.4. Observation of daily flows. For a color version of this figure, see ...Figure 8.5. Flow observation station on the Moselle at Rupt-sur-Moselle (Vosges ...Figure 8.6. Flow deviations from the interannual average calculated over the ava...Figure 8.7. Annual flows of the Seine in Paris (Austerlitz). In black the observ...Figure 8.8. Top: overall median (33 climate simulations) of the relative changes...Figure 8.9. Top: overall median (22 climate simulations) of the relative change ...

      9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1. Arid depressions fed by “water tower” mountains. For a color version...Figure 9.2. The Fedchenko glacier in the Pamir mountain range. Fed by multiple t...Figure 9.3. Hydrological regime recharge patterns of the Sokh River. For a color...Figure 9.4. Comparison of climatic and hydrological regimes in the Amu Darya and...Figure 9.5. Water resource formation and withdrawals in the Aral basin states (%...Figure 9.6. The Kirov Dam on the Talas River (Kyrgyzstan). Emblematic of the Sov...Figure 9.7. Management of water releases from the Toktogul Dam in Kyrgyzstan. Fo...Figure 9.8. Cumulative mean mass balances of six glaciers in the Tien Shan and P...Figure 9.9. The Tuyuksu glacier on the north slope of the Tien Shan (Zailiyskiy ...Figure 9.10. Trends in mean annual flow of some Central Asian rivers. For a colo...Figure 9.11. The Bartang River, a tributary of the upper Amu Darya River (Tajiki...

      10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1. Schematic representation of the different types of drought and thei...Figure 10.2. Two so-called “dry” 40-day situations (N°1 and N°2), identical in t...Figure 10.3. (a) The three recurrent configurations of VLDS events observed in t...Figure 10.4. Average yield anomalies in Spain for barley, wheat and oats (as a %...Figure 10.5. Evolution of the average number of days of VLDS per rainy season fo...

      11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1. Mapping of the average Huglin index for the world's wine-producing ...Figure 11.2. (a) and (c) show the Winkler and Huglin indices in Europe over the ...Figure 11.3. Huglin index modeled on France over the periods 1986-2005, 2031-205...Figure 11.4. Different stages of downscaling (from global to local) climate chan...Figure 11.5. Spatialization of the Winkler index in the Pomerol/Saint-Emilion re...Figure 11.6. Modeling of the spatial variability of the Huglin index at the loca...

      12 Chapter 12Figure 12.1. Location and synthesis map of the Amazonian climate. For a color ve...Figure 12.2. Daily temperature and precipitation in Alta Floresta (Mato Grosso) ...Figure 12.3. Annual deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon in km2. For a color ve...Figure 12.4. Evolution of rainy season onset and demise dates in the southern Am...Figure 12.5. Temperatures (left, in°C) and relative humidity (right, in %) from ...Figure 12.6. Urban heat island intensity in Sinop in 2018: average temperature d...Figure 12.7. Multi-model averages of the project change in air temprture(top,C)a...Figure 12.8. Synthesis of perceptions of climate change in 13 Amazonian communit...

      13 Chapter 13Figure 13.1. Global map of terrestrial zonobiomes according to Walter (1976) cla...Figure 13.2. From zonobiomes to biomes: a hierarchy of concepts. For a color ver...Figure 13.3. Types of major impacts identified on terrestrial biomes and hierarc...Figure 13.4. Biome modeling. For a color version of this figure, see 13.5. Changes in assigned biomes to climate change in the United States. ...Figure 13.6. Changes in biomes attributed to climate change. For a color version...

      14 Chapter 14Figure 14.1. The latitudinal (A) and altitudinal (B) limits of the birds' ranges...Figure 14.2. The Royal Sunbird (Cinnyris regius,

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