The Complete Works: Short Stories, Novels, Plays, Poetry, Memoirs and more. Guy de Maupassant

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The Complete Works: Short Stories, Novels, Plays, Poetry, Memoirs and more - Guy de Maupassant

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stout and serious, and with some white hairs about his temples, though he was not more than twenty-seven.

      Forestier asked: “Where are you going?”

      Duroy answered: “Nowhere; I am just taking a stroll before turning in.”

      “Well, will you come with me to the Vie Francaise, where I have some proofs to correct, and then we will take a bock together?”

      “All right.”

      They began to walk on, arm-in-arm, with that easy familiarity existing between schoolfellows and men in the same regiment.

      “What are you doing in Paris?” asked Forestier.

      Duroy shrugged his shoulders. “Simply starving. As soon as I finished my term of service I came here — to make a fortune, or rather for the sake of living in Paris; and for six months I have been a clerk in the offices of the Northern Railway at fifteen hundred francs a year, nothing more.”

      Forestier murmured: “Hang it, that’s not much!”

      “I should think not. But how can I get out of it? I am alone; I don’t know anyone; I can get no one to recommend me. It is not goodwill that is lacking, but means.”

      His comrade scanned him from head to foot, like a practical man examining a subject, and then said, in a tone of conviction: “You see, my boy, everything depends upon assurance here. A clever fellow can more easily become a minister than an under-secretary. One must obtrude one’s self on people; not ask things of them. But how the deuce is it that you could not get hold of anything better than a clerk’s berth on the Northern Railway?”

      Duroy replied: “I looked about everywhere, but could not find anything. But I have something in view just now; I have been offered a riding-master’s place at Pellerin’s. There I shall get three thousand francs at the lowest.”

      Forestier stopped short. “Don’t do that; it is stupid, when you ought to be earning ten thousand francs. You would nip your future in the bud. In your office, at any rate, you are hidden; no one knows you; you can emerge from it if you are strong enough to make your way. But once a riding-master, and it is all over. It is as if you were head-waiter at a place where all Paris goes to dine. When once you have given riding lessons to people in society or to their children, they will never be able to look upon you as an equal.”

      He remained silent for a few moments, evidently reflecting, and then asked:

      “Have you a bachelor’s degree?”

      “No; I failed to pass twice.”

      “That is no matter, as long as you studied for it. If anyone mentions Cicero or Tiberius, you know pretty well what they are talking about?”

      “Yes; pretty well.”

      “Good; no one knows any more, with the exception of a score of idiots who have taken the trouble. It is not difficult to pass for being well informed; the great thing is not to be caught in some blunder. You can maneuver, avoid the difficulty, turn the obstacle, and floor others by means of a dictionary. Men are all as stupid as geese and ignorant as donkeys.”

      He spoke like a self-possessed blade who knows what life is, and smiled as he watched the crowd go by. But all at once he began to cough, and stopped again until the fit was over, adding, in a tone of discouragement: “Isn’t it aggravating not to be able to get rid of this cough? And we are in the middle of summer. Oh! this winter I shall go and get cured at Mentone. Health before everything.”

      They halted on the Boulevard Poissonière before a large glass door, on the inner side of which an open newspaper was pasted. Three passersby had stopped and were reading it.

      Above the door, stretched in large letters of flame, outlined by gas jets, the inscription La Vie Francaise. The pedestrians passing into the light shed by these three dazzling words suddenly appeared as visible as in broad daylight, then disappeared again into darkness.

      Forestier pushed the door open, saying, “Come in.” Duroy entered, ascended an ornate yet dirty staircase, visible from the street, passed through an anteroom where two messengers bowed to his companion, and reached a kind of waiting-room, shabby and dusty, upholstered in dirty green Utrecht velvet, covered with spots and stains, and worn in places as if mice had been gnawing it.

      “Sit down,” said Forestier. “I will be back in five minutes.”

      And he disappeared through one of the three doors opening into the room.

      A strange, special, indescribable odor, the odor of a newspaper office, floated in the air of the room. Duroy remained motionless, slightly intimidated, above all surprised. From time to time folk passed hurriedly before him, coming in at one door and going out at another before he had time to look at them.

      They were now young lads, with an appearance of haste, holding in their hand a sheet of paper which fluttered from the hurry of their progress; now compositors, whose white blouses, spotted with ink, revealed a clean shirt collar and cloth trousers like those of men of fashion, and who carefully carried strips of printed paper, fresh proofs damp from the press. Sometimes a gentleman entered rather too elegantly attired, his waist too tightly pinched by his frock-coat, his leg too well set off by the cut of his trousers, his foot squeezed into a shoe too pointed at the toe, some fashionable reporter bringing in the echoes of the evening.

      Others, too, arrived, serious, important-looking men, wearing tall hats with flat brims, as if this shape distinguished them from the rest of mankind.

      Forestier reappeared holding the arm of a tall, thin fellow, between thirty and forty years of age, in evening dress, very dark, with his moustache ends stiffened in sharp points, and an insolent and self-satisfied bearing.

      Forestier said to him: “Good night, dear master.”

      The other shook hands with him, saying: “Good night, my dear fellow,” and went downstairs whistling, with his cane under his arm.

      Duroy asked: “Who is that?”

      “Jacques Rival, you know, the celebrated descriptive writer, the duellist. He has just been correcting his proofs. Garin, Montel, and he are the three best descriptive writers, for facts and points, we have in Paris. He gets thirty thousand francs a year here for two articles a week.”

      As they were leaving they met a short, stout man, with long hair and untidy appearance, who was puffing as he came up the stairs.

      Forestier bowed low to him. “Norbert de Varenne,” said he, “the poet; the author of ‘Les Soleils Morts’; another who gets long prices. Every tale he writes for us costs three hundred francs, and the longest do not run to two hundred lines. But let us turn into the Neapolitan café, I am beginning to choke with thirst.”

      As soon as they were seated at a table in the café, Forestier called for two bocks, and drank off his own at a single draught, while Duroy sipped his beer in slow mouthfuls, tasting it and relishing it like something rare and precious.

      His companion was silent, and seemed to be reflecting. Suddenly he exclaimed: “Why don’t you try journalism?”

      The other looked at him in surprise, and then said: “But, you know, I have never written anything.”

      “Bah! everyone must begin. I could give you a job to hunt up information for me — to make calls and inquiries. You would have to start with two hundred and fifty francs a month and your cab hire. Shall I speak to the manager about it?”


      “Very well, then, come and dine with me tomorrow. I shall only have five or six people — the governor, Monsieur Walter and his wife, Jacques Rival, and Norbert de Varenne, whom you have just seen, and a lady, a friend of my wife. Is it settled?”

      Duroy hesitated, blushing and perplexed. At length he murmured: “You see, I have no clothes.”

      Forestier was astounded. “You have no dress clothes?

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