Изобретение новостей. Как мир узнал о самом себе. Эндрю Петтигри

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Изобретение новостей. Как мир узнал о самом себе - Эндрю Петтигри

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      C. H. Haskins, ‘The Lives of Mediaeval Students as Illustrated in their Letters’, in his Studies in Mediaeval Culture (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1929), pp. 1-35.


      Alain Boureau, ‘The Letter-Writing Norm, a Mediaeval Invention’, in Roger Chartier (ed.), Correspondence: Models of Letter-Writing from the Middle Ages to the Nineteenth Century (Cambridge: Polity, 1997), pp. 24–58.


      Haskins, ‘Lives of Medieval Students’, p. 10.


      Ibid., pp. 15–16.


      Ниже, глава 15.


      Philip O. Beale, A History of the Post in England from the Romans to the Stuarts (Aldershot: Ashgate, 1998), p. 22.


      Ibid., pp. 24-7.


      J. K. Hyde, ‘The Role of Diplomatic Correspondence and Reporting’, in his Literacy and its Uses, pp. 217-59, here pp. 224-6.


      Там же, с. 244.


      Ниже, глава 5.


      Beale, History of the Post, pp. 30–39.


      Given-Wilson, Chronicles, p. 109.


      Beale, History of the Post, pp. 84-6.


      La circulation des nouvelles.


      C. A. J. Armstrong, ‘Some Examples of the Distribution and Speed of News in England at the Time of the Wars of the Roses’, in his England, France and Burgundy in the Fifteenth Century (London: Hambledon, 1983), pp. 97-122.


      Armstrong, ‘Some Examples’, p. 100; James Gairdner (ed.), Three Fifteenth-Century Chronicles (London: Camden Society, 1880), pp. 156 ff.


      Ниже, глава 4.


      B. Guenee, ‘Les campagnes de lettres qui ont suivi le meurtre de Jean sans Peur, duc de Bourgogne (septembre 1419-fevrier 1420)’, Annuaire-Bulletin de la Societe de l’Histoire de France (1993), pp. 45–65.


      Craig Taylor, ‘War, Propaganda and Diplomacy in Fifteenth-Century France and England’, in Christopher Allmand (ed.), War, Government and Power in Late Medieval France (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2000), pp. 70–91.


      Armstrong, ‘Some Examples’, p. 99.


      Budelot, Messageries universitaires et messageries royales; E. John B. Allen, ‘The Royal Posts of France in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries’, Postal History Journal, 15 (January 1971).


      Armstrong, ‘Some Examples’, p. 107.


      Menache, Vox Dei.


      Armstrong, ‘Some Examples’, p. 101.


      Iris Origo, The Merchant of Prato: Francesco di Marco Datini (London: Jonathan Cape, 1957), p. 90.


      Кроме того, произошел обмен десятью тысячами писем между Датини и его женой, которой пришлось вести хозяйство в Прато, когда Датини переехал во Флоренцию. Этому и уделяется основное внимание Ориго.


      David Nicholas, Medieval Flanders (London: Longman, 1992). James M. Murray, Bruges, Cradle of Capitalism, 1280–1390 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005).


      Edwin S. Hunt, The Medieval Super-Companies: A Study of the Peruzzi Company of Florence (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994).


      Raymond de Roover, Money, Banking and Credit in Medieval Bruges (Cambridge, MA: 1948).


      Gilles le Bouvier, Le livre de la description des pays (Paris: Leroux, 1908), pp. 157–216.


      Peter Spufford, Power and Profit: The Merchant in Medieval Europe (London: Thames and Hudson, 2002), pp. 143-52.


      Frederic C. Lane, Andrea Barbarigo, Merchant of Venice, 1418–1449 (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1944), p. 20.


      Spufford, Power and Profit, pp. 25-8.


      Lane, Andrea Barbarigo, pp. 199–200. Письма Барбариго из Валенсии редко приходили быстрее, чем за тридцать дней, а обычно шли около сорока дней.


      Federigo Melis, ‘Intensita e regolarita nella diffusione dell’informazione economica generale nel Mediterraneo e in Occidente alla fine del Medioevo’, in Melanges en l’honneur de Fernand Braudel, 2 vols (Toulouse: Privat, 1973), I, 389–424. Spufford, Power and Profit, p. 27.


      Philip O. Beale, A History of the Post in England from the Romans to the Stuarts (Aldershot: Ashgate, 1998), p. 33.


      C. A. J. Armstrong, England, France and Burgundy in the Fifteenth Century (London: Hambledon, 1983), pp. 97-122, here p. 109.


      A. Grunzweig, Correspondence de la filiale de Bruges de Medici (Brussels: Lamertin, 1931), I, 130-45.


      Ниже, глава 5.



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