Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004. Congress of the United States

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Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 - Congress of the United States

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FinancingSec. 6101. Additional authorization for finCEN.Sec. 6102. Money laundering and financial crimes strategy reauthorization.Subtitle C—Money Laundering Abatement and Financial Antiterrorism Technical CorrectionsSec. 6201. Short title.Sec. 6202. Technical corrections to Public Law 107-56.Sec. 6203. Technical corrections to other provisions of law.Sec. 6204. Repeal of review.Sec. 6205. Effective date.Subtitle D—Additional Enforcement ToolsSec. 6301. Bureau of Engraving and Printing security printing.Sec. 6302. Reporting of certain cross-border transmittal of funds.Sec. 6303. Terrorism financing.Subtitle E—Criminal History Background ChecksSec. 6401. Protect Act.Sec. 6402. Reviews of criminal records of applicants for private security officer employment.Sec. 6403. Criminal history background checks.Subtitle F—Grand Jury Information SharingSec. 6501. Grand jury information sharing.Subtitle G—Providing Material Support to TerrorismSec. 6601. Short title.Sec. 6602. Receiving military-type training from a foreign terrorist organization.Sec. 6603. Additions to offense of providing material support to terrorism.Sec. 6604. Financing of terrorism.Subtitle H—Stop Terrorist and Military Hoaxes Act of 2004Sec. 6701. Short title.Sec. 6702. Hoaxes and recovery costs.Sec. 6703. Obstruction of justice and false statements in terrorism cases.Sec. 6704. Clarification of definition.Subtitle I—Weapons of Mass Destruction Prohibition Improvement Act of 2004Sec. 6801. Short title.Sec. 6802. Weapons of mass destruction.Sec. 6803. Participation in nuclear and weapons of mass destruction threats to the United States.Subtitle J—Prevention of Terrorist Access to Destructive Weapons Act of 2004Sec. 6901. Short title.Sec. 6902. Findings and purpose.Sec. 6903. Missile systems designed to destroy aircraft.Sec. 6904. Atomic weapons.Sec. 6905. Radiological dispersal devices.Sec. 6906. Variola virus.Sec. 6907. Interception of communications.Sec. 6908. Amendments to section 2332b(g)(5)(b) of title 18, United States Code.Sec. 6909. Amendments to section 1956(c)(7)(d) of title 18, United States Code.Sec. 6910. Export licensing process.Sec. 6911. Clerical amendments.Subtitle K—Pretrial Detention of TerroristsSec. 6951. Short title.Sec. 6952. Presumption for pretrial detention in cases involving terrorism.TITLE VII—IMPLEMENTATION OF 9/11 COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONSSec. 7001. Short title.Subtitle A—Diplomacy, Foreign Aid, and the Military in the War on TerrorismSec. 7101. Findings.Sec. 7102. Terrorist sanctuaries.Sec. 7103. United States commitment to the future of Pakistan.Sec. 7104. Assistance for Afghanistan.Sec. 7105. The relationship between the United States and Saudi Arabia.Sec. 7106. Efforts to combat Islamist terrorism.Sec. 7107. United States policy toward dictatorships.Sec. 7108. Promotion of free media and other American values.Sec. 7109. Public diplomacy responsibilities of the Department of State.Sec. 7110. Public diplomacy training.Sec. 7111. Promoting democracy and human rights at international organizations.Sec. 7112. Expansion of United States scholarship and exchange programs in the Islamic world.Sec. 7113. Pilot program to provide grants to American-sponsored schools in predominantly Muslim countries to provide scholarships.Sec. 7114. International Youth Opportunity Fund.Sec. 7115. The use of economic policies to combat terrorism.Sec. 7116. Middle East partnership initiative.Sec. 7117. Comprehensive coalition strategy for fighting terrorism.Sec. 7118. Financing of terrorism.Sec. 7119. Designation of foreign terrorist organizations.Sec. 7120. Report to Congress.Sec. 7121. Case-Zablocki Act requirements.Sec. 7122. Effective date.Subtitle B—Terrorist Travel and Effective ScreeningSec. 7201. Counterterrorist travel intelligence.Sec. 7202. Establishment of human smuggling and trafficking center.Sec. 7203. Responsibilities and functions of consular officers.Sec. 7204. International agreements to track and curtail terrorist travel through the use of fraudulently obtained documents.Sec. 7205. International standards for transliteration of names into the Roman alphabet for international travel documents and name-based watchlist systems.Sec. 7206. Immigration security initiative.Sec. 7207. Certification regarding technology for visa waiver participants.Sec. 7208. Biometric entry and exit data system.Sec. 7209. Travel documents.Sec. 7210. Exchange of terrorist information and increased preinspection at foreign airports.Sec. 7211. Minimum standards for birth certificates.Sec. 7212. Driver's licenses and personal identification cards.Sec. 7213. Social security cards and numbers.Sec. 7214. Prohibition of the display of social security account numbers on driver's licenses or motor vehicle registrations.Sec. 7215. Terrorist travel program.Sec. 7216. Increase in penalties for fraud and related activity.Sec. 7217. Study on allegedly lost or stolen passports.Sec. 7218. Establishment of visa and passport security program in the Department of State.Sec. 7219. Effective date.Sec. 7220. Identification standards.Subtitle C—National PreparednessSec. 7301. The incident command system.Sec. 7302. National capital region mutual aid.Sec. 7303. Enhancement of public safety communications interoperability.Sec. 7304. Regional model strategic plan pilot projects.Sec. 7305. Private sector preparedness.Sec. 7306. Critical infrastructure and readiness assessments.Sec. 7307. Northern command and defense of the United States homeland.Sec. 7308. Effective date.Subtitle D—Homeland SecuritySec. 7401. Sense of Congress on first responder funding.Sec. 7402. Coordination of industry efforts.Sec. 7403. Study regarding nationwide emergency notification system.Sec. 7404. Pilot study to move warning systems into the modern digital age.Sec. 7405. Required coordination.Sec. 7406. Emergency preparedness compacts.Sec. 7407. Responsibilities of counternarcotics office.Sec. 7408. Use of counternarcotics enforcement activities in certain employee performance appraisals.Subtitle E—Public Safety SpectrumSec. 7501. Digital television conversion deadline.Sec. 7502. Studies on telecommunications capabilities and requirements.Subtitle F—Presidential TransitionSec. 7601. Presidential transition.Subtitle G—Improving International Standards and Cooperation to Fight Terrorist FinancingSec. 7701. Improving international standards and cooperation to fight terrorist financing.Sec. 7702. Definitions.Sec. 7703. Expanded reporting and testimony requirements for the Secretary of the Treasury.Sec. 7704. Coordination of United States Government efforts.Subtitle H—Emergency Financial PreparednessSec. 7801. Delegation authority of the Secretary of the Treasury.Sec. 7802. Treasury support for financial services industry preparedness and response and consumer education.Sec. 7803. Emergency Securities Response Act of 2004.Sec. 7804. Private sector preparedness.TITLE VIII—OTHER MATTERSSubtitle A—Intelligence MattersSec. 8101. Intelligence community use of National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center.Subtitle B—Department of Homeland Security MattersSec. 8201. Homeland security geospatial information.Subtitle C—Homeland Security Civil Rights and Civil Liberties ProtectionSec. 8301. Short title.Sec. 8302. Mission of Department of Homeland Security.Sec. 8303. Officer for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.Sec. 8304. Protection of civil rights and civil liberties by Office of Inspector General.Sec. 8305. Privacy officer.Sec. 8306. Protections for human research subjects of the Department of Homeland Security.Subtitle D—Other MattersSec. 8401. Amendments to Clinger-Cohen Act provisions to enhance agency planning for information security needs.Sec. 8402. Enterprise architecture.Sec. 8403. Financial disclosure and records.Sec. 8404. Extension of requirement for air carriers to honor tickets for suspended air passenger service.

       Approved December 17, 2004.

       Table of Contents

      S. 2845 (H.R. 10):

       HOUSE REPORTS: Nos. 108-724, Pt. 1 (Permanent Select Comm. on Intelligence), Pt. 2 (Comm. on Armed Services), Pt. 3 (Comm. on Financial Services), Pt. 4 (Comm. on Government Reform), and Pt. 5 (Comm. on the Judiciary) all accompanying H.R. 10, and 108-796 (Comm. of Conference).

       CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 150 (2004):Sept. 27-30, Oct. 1, 4-6, considered and passed Senate.Oct. 16, considered and passed House pursuant to H. Res. 827.Dec. 7, House agreed to conference report.Dec. 8, Senate agreed to conference report.

       WEEKLY COMPILATION OF PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS, Vol. 40 (2004):Dec. 17, Presidential remarks and statement.

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