Veterinary Clinical Parasitology. Anne M. Zajac

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Veterinary Clinical Parasitology - Anne M. Zajac

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operculum is not readily visible i...Fig. 1.218 The developing miracidium can be seen inside this avian trematode...Fig. 1.219 Raillietina sp. eggs from a chicken. The embryonic hooks are clea...Fig. 1.220 Tapeworm eggs from a magpie. Scattered among the cestode eggs are...Fig. 1.221 Egg of a thorny‐headed worm (Centrorhynchus) from the feces of a ...Fig. 1.222 Acanthocephalan (Plagiorhynchus sp.) eggs in the feces of an east...Fig. 1.223 Eimeria oocysts have smooth, clear cyst walls and contain a singl...Fig. 1.224 Rodent and rabbit hosts may be infected with multiple species of ...Fig. 1.225 Once in the environment, oocysts undergo sporulation to the infec...Fig. 1.226 Syphacia egg in feces from a gerbil. Eggs of Syphacia have a smoo...Fig. 1.227 Aspiculuris eggs have narrowed poles and a smooth, clear, double ...Fig. 1.228 Passalurus ambiguus eggs have an operculum‐like structure at one ...Fig. 1.229 Specimens of Paraspidodera uncinata, the cecal worm of guinea pig...Fig. 1.230 Strongylid eggs in the feces of rabbits and rodents are similar t...Fig. 1.231 Hymenolepis nana infects rodents and primates. Eggs are elliptica...Fig. 1.232 Other species of Hymenolepis found in rodents have larger, rounde...Fig. 1.233 Cittotaenia eggs are quite similar in appearance to Hymenolepis e...Fig. 1.234 Trophozoite (A) and cyst (B) of the commensal ciliate NyctotherusFig. 1.235 Entamoeba invadens trophozoite in a stained fecal smear from a Bu...Fig. 1.236 Cyst of Entamoeba invadens in an iodine‐stained smear of reptile ...Fig. 1.237 Sporulated Caryospora oocyst in the feces of a loggerhead turtle....Fig. 1.238 Coccidia in the feces of a bearded dragon. Isospora (I) oocysts i...Fig. 1.239 Oxyurid (pinworm) eggs are frequently encountered in reptile fece...Fig. 1.240 Pinworm egg from a turtle.Fig. 1.241 Reptiles may be infected with the same groups of helminth parasit...Fig. 1.242 This Capillaria serpentia egg from a turtle has a distinctive rou...Fig. 1.243 Eggs of the ascarids Hexametra and Spinicauda in the feces of a c...Fig. 1.244 Kalicephalus sp. egg from a python. This is one of the genera of ...Fig. 1.245 Rhabditid nematodes like Rhabdias and Strongyloides occur in rept...Fig. 1.246 Rhabdias is a common lungworm of frogs. First‐stage larvae are pa...Fig. 1.247 Tapeworm egg from a water moccasin. This egg is surrounded by a g...Fig. 1.248 Tapeworm egg from an anole. This egg is also surrounded by a clea...Fig. 1.249 Fluke (trematode) infections are common in wild reptiles, especia...Fig. 1.250 Flukes are also common in amphibians. These eggs of the lung fluk...Fig. 1.251 Spirorchid egg detected on sedimentation of feces from a wood tur...Fig. 1.252 Another spirorchid fluke is Hapalotrema. This egg from a green se...Fig. 1.253 Acanthocephalans (thorny‐headed worms) are also common in wild re...Fig. 1.254 Pentastomid egg in feces from a Boelon’s python. This is an unusu...

      2 Chapter 2Fig. 2.1 Dioctophyme eggs are larger than those of Pearsonema and have a thi...Fig. 2.2 Pearsonema feliscati egg in urine sediment. Methylene blue stain is...Fig. 2.3 If the microscope is focused on the shell wall of the Pearsonema eg...Fig. 2.4 Stephanurus dentatus adults produce typical strongylid eggs that ca...Fig. 2.5 The eggs of Trichosomoides have bipolar plugs and are embryonated w...Fig. 2.6 Tritrichomonas foetus organisms from culture. The undulating membra...Fig. 2.7 Microfilariae of Onchocerca gutterosa (arrow) in bovine skin. Diagn...Fig. 2.8 Horn flies (Haematobia irritans) feeding on a Stephanofilaria stile...Fig. 2.9 Microfilariae of Onchocerca lupi from the uterus of an adult worm. ...Fig. 2.10 First‐stage larvae of Dracunculus insignis. These distinctive larv...Fig. 2.11 Third‐stage larva of Pelodera strongyloides recovered from a canin...Fig. 2.12 (A) Anterior end of Pelodera third‐stage larva. The bulb of the rh...Fig. 2.13 Thelazia in the eye of a cow.Fig. 2.14 Extensive skin thickening and wrinkling caused by Besnoitia besnoi...Fig. 2.15 Scleral “pearls,” or cysts, of Besnoitia bennetti in the eye of a ...

      3 Chapter 3Fig. 3.1 Technique for making a blood smear. (A) Bring a spreader slide back...Fig. 3.2 Results of a hematocrit test using a blood sample containing D. imm...Fig. 3.3 Hepatozoon gamont in a polymorphonucleocyte. The parasite is sausag...Fig. 3.4 Erythrocyte containing pear‐shaped Babesia canis piroplasms. The pa...Fig. 3.5 Babesia gibsoni (arrow) is a smaller organism than B. canis. The pe...Fig. 3.6 Small Cytauxzoon felis merozoites in infected erythrocytes (arrow) ...Fig. 3.7 Mononuclear cell containing a Cytauxzoon felis schizont.Fig. 3.8 Leishmania sp. amastigotes in a lymph node impression smear.Fig. 3.9 Leishmania amastigote (arrow) in a macrophage from a canine lymph n...Fig. 3.10 Stained trypomastigote of Trypanosoma cruzi in a blood smear from ...Fig. 3.11 Microfilariae of Dirofilaria immitis recovered from a blood sample...Fig. 3.12 Microfilariae of Dirofilaria immitis have gently tapered heads (A)...Fig. 3.13 Microfilariae are at an earlier developmental stage than first‐sta...Fig. 3.14 Microfilariae of Acanthocheilonema (Dipetalonema) reconditum in a ...Fig. 3.15 The tails of some individual microfilariae of Acanthocheilonema re...Fig. 3.16 Dirofilaria repens microfilaria. This species is expanding its ran...Fig. 3.17 The head of Dirofilaria repens is blunt in comparison to the taper...Fig. 3.18 Babesia bigemina can be seen in this bovine blood smear. The teard...Fig. 3.19 Composite photo showing Theileria equi in equine red blood cells. ...Fig. 3.20 Composite photo of Babesia caballi. The definitive diagnostic form...Fig. 3.21 Theileria parva multinucleated schizont in a lymphocyte. The speci...Fig. 3.22 Theileria orientalis in a bovine blood smear (arrows).Fig. 3.23 Trypanosoma brucei and T. congolense are found in domestic mammals...Fig. 3.24 Trypanosoma congolense has a subterminal kinetoplast that is on th...Fig. 3.25 Trypanosoma vivax is found in Africa and other parts of the world....Fig. 3.26 Trypanosoma theileri is found worldwide in cattle, and a similar p...Fig. 3.27 Trypanosoma evansi is an important pathogen of horses and camels i...Fig. 3.28 Trypanosoma simiae is a parasite of African warthogs that is trans...Fig. 3.29 Microfilariae of Setaria spp. may occasionally be seen in ruminant...Fig. 3.30 Host leukocytes and erythrocytes containing the sausage‐shaped Leu...Fig. 3.31 Birds may be infected with more than one species of protozoa. Both...Fig. 3.32 Gamonts of Haemoproteus in a Swainson’s hawk. The gamonts are ofte...Fig. 3.33 The appearance of multiple stages of the parasite (signet‐ring sta...

      4 Chapter 4Fig. 4.1 Schematic ELISA antigen detection procedures: (A) test surface: pol...Fig. 4.2 Schematic of antigen detection using an immunochromatographic later...Fig. 4.3 Comparison of common antibody detection procedures: indirect fluore...Fig. 4.4 Schematic of a conventional PCR assay. PCR is a process used to sel...Fig. 4.5 Simplified illustration of how a qPCR assay differs from a conventi...Fig. 4.6 Simple schematic of fluorescence plot of results from a multiplex q...

      5 Chapter 5Fig. 5.1 Important characteristics for identification of a number of common ...Fig. 5.2 Pruritic mite infestations may stimulate intense grooming by the ho...Fig. 5.3 Sarcoptes and related mites are typically round bodied. The third a...Fig. 5.4 Sarcoptes scabiei var canis causes “scabies” or “sarcoptic mange” i...Fig. 5.5 Sarcoptic mange in an alpaca. In chronic sarcoptic mange, affected ...Fig. 5.6 Notoedres mites are similar in appearance to Sarcoptes. However, th...Fig. 5.7 Knemidokoptes is a round‐bodied mite, generally similar in appearan...Fig. 5.8 Budgerigar with a deformed beak resulting from the proliferative le...Fig. 5.9 Like other sarcoptiform mites, Trixacarus is a round‐bodied mite wi...Fig. 5.10 Chorioptes mites are more elongated, with longer legs than the sar...Fig. 5.11 Female Chorioptes mites with eggs present (arrows). Mite eggs are ...Fig. 5.12 Psoroptic mange or “scab” can be a serious infestation in ruminant...Fig. 5.13 Psoroptic ear mange in a rabbit.Fig. 5.14 Psoroptes sp. mites have a more oval shape and longer legs than ro...Fig. 5.15 Psoroptes may be up to 800 μm in length. Shown here are specimens ...Fig. 5.16 Otodectes cynotis infestation in a cat. The mites cause the produc...Fig. 5.17 Mating Otodectes cynotis mites from a ferret. Otodectes is another...Fig. 5.18 Gravid female of Otodectes cynotis with egg present (arrow).Fig. 5.19 Male Otodectes cynotis. The pair of distinct circular structures e...Fig. 5.20 Demodex is most often seen as a clinical problem in dogs. Lesions ...Fig. 5.21 In goats and cattle, clinical demodecosis is usually associated wi...Fig. 5.22 Demodex spp. mites (A) have a distinct, elongated appearance and a...Fig. 5.23 Many animals are parasitized by Demodex spp. Shown here is DemodexFig. 5.24 Cheyletiella is a surface mite that can be collected by brushing t...Fig.

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