Beautiful Fate. CK Marie

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Beautiful Fate - CK Marie

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you won’t get in trouble for giving it to us? We will pay for it.” I tell her.

      “Oh no, my dad won’t mind. The place is soon to belong to me anyway, he is set to retire, I’m going to take over.”

      “Well, you got yourself a gem of a diner here. We will be sure to stop back again.” Ian tells her.

      “Thank you…that would be wonderful, it’s nice to see new faces every now and then.” She says with a smile. “When you do make it back ask for me I’m Kit, I’m always here. I will make sure you are well taken care of.”

      “Nice to have met you Kit, I’m Vanessa, and this is Ian. You can count on seeing us again.”

      “Thanks again, have a great evening.” She says to the both of us.

      “You do the same.” We both say together. “See you soon.”

      We head out, but before he starts the Jeep, I ask him. “Could we go to Brytney’s, I really need to talk to her?”

      “Yes, but I will be staying there with you. I won’t drop you off and leave you there.”

      “That is fine, but you need to give me time to talk with her alone. She is my best friend, more like a sister; I can’t keep her in the dark.”

      “I can understand that…as long as she doesn’t try to talk you out of staying with me.”

      “Oh, I promise you, she won’t.” I send Brytney a quick text telling her I’m on my way and that Ian is with me. She responds right away.

       I KNEW IT! Drive fast!!!

      I have to smile at that, sometimes I think she knows me better than I know myself.

      “How long have you known Brytney?” Ian asks me.

      “We met in JR High, became fast friends; we’ve been inseparable since then. She is my family.”

      “Is your brother your only sibling?”

      “Yes, Vince and Brytney are all I have since my parents passed,” I say to him, not being able to hide the sadness.

      “I’m sorry, how long ago was that?”

      “It’s been just over five years…my brother, Brytney and I were there when it happened.” I feel my chest start to tighten. “We were all out to dinner like we did every Monday evening. It was light drizzle outside, but the temperature was near freezing making the roads icy. My parents had us wait while they went to get the car. They were on the side of the road waiting to cross when a truck going too fast came around the corner and slid on slick ice and went straight up the curb. My parents didn’t have a chance to move. My dad died instantly, he stepped in front of my mother to protect her, but the impact was too much, she passed a few hours later from internal injuries.”

      “Oh Vanessa, I am so sorry.” He reaches for my hand.

      “Thank you, I try to get closure with it, but it’s hard because whoever was driving the truck took off. No one saw a plate number, there weren't many people out, we only knew it was a dark color, we were not close enough to make out if there were any details about the truck. So the person was never caught.” I tell him. “My brother is a cop, he and the whole department did all they could to try and find whoever it was, but had no success.”

      “Is that why you have dinner with your brother and Brytney every Monday?”

      “Yes, but we don’t go out. We do it at one of our houses.”

      “I can understand that.”

      I just nod; I don’t want to think of the past right now.

      Ian gives my hand a gentle squeeze. “Well, I’ll be sure to keep your Monday’s open; I wouldn’t want that taken from you.”

      I feel my eyes starting to water. We’ve only just met, but there is a pull that is drawing me in, I trust Ian…as strange as this feeling is to me, I like it…I want it.

      Chapter Sixteen

      I don’t even get my hand up to knock, Brytney swings the door open flashing a smile from ear to ear. We step inside…Ian is the first to speak.

      “Is Jack around”

      “Yep, he’s in the living room just follow the sound of the television,” Brytney tells him.

      He reaches over, giving me a kiss. “I’ll leave you girls to talk.”

      As soon as Brytney sees him disappear she grabs my hand and drags me upstairs to her room. Shutting the door, she turns and throws herself at me, hugging me tightly. “What the fuck is going on Vanessa? Spill it, now…I want to know everything!”

      Before I get into what has happened with Ian, I ask her, “What do you know? What did Shayne tell you?”

      “For starters, that motherfucker better watch it! Jack is pissed with the things he said about you and me. He told me you argued that it was over Ian being your client…when he asked you to drop him, you refused. Then the bastard started on me, telling me I was a worthless bitch and a bad influence on you. Said to me I should have been taken from you also, then he would have no problems with you listening to him. I snapped Vanessa, don’t even remember what I said…all I know is Jack came running when he heard me screaming. He took the phone from me. Shayne must have said the wrong thing to Jack because he told him to keep away from you and me and threatened to pull his balls out from his throat.”

      “Shit Brytney, of all the things that could happen in my life, I never imagined this. Shayne told me we shouldn’t get married. I left to come here; instead, I ended up with Ian.” Brytney went to speak, I stopped her. “Don’t ask how it doesn’t matter.” I put my head in my hands.

      “Vanessa, talk to me, what happened?” She sits us both down.

      I stay quiet for a moment, and then I say… “Brytney, how is it that I feel the way I do about Ian? I’ve known him less than a week…I feel closer to him than I ever have with Shayne. Brytney… I slept with Ian.” I’m expecting a gasp or an OMFG from her. Instead, I get laughter, an all-out hold your stomach, fall over laughter. “I’m serious Brytney! I did!” She does her best to get control of herself.

      “I believe you, it’s just….” She starts laughing again then with one leap she’s crushing me with her arms hugging me so tight. “Oh Vanessa, you have no idea how long I’ve been praying for you to get Shayne out of your life.”

      Out of nowhere, I start laughing with her. “You are such a bitch, but I love you!” After we pull ourselves together, I get serious again. “Ian told me I am staying with him, I said yes. It feels right Brytney, I can’t explain it, but I know it is. Am I jumping to fast? Am I playing the fool?”

      “I don’t think so Vanessa, you know I am a believer in things happen for a reason, I believe Ian is your thing. Now to more serious things – how was it?”

      “How was what?” I give her a confused look.

      “Oh come on Vanessa, don’t play dumb with me, you know exactly what I mean. The sex! How was the sex?”

      I feel my face turn a thousand shades of red. “It was unbelievable! I never knew it could feel like that! And the orgasm…wow, who knew it could be that good!”

      “I knew! How many times have I tried to tell you?” We both start laughing again.


      “I’m not even going to ask how Vanessa ended up with you Ian, but I will say this, thank you. You have no fucking clue what a relief it is to have her away from Shayne.” Jack says to him.

      “I take it, you don’t like him?”

      “You fucking got that right. Listen…Ian, there’s something about that fucker. I can’t figure it out, but I know, and so does Brytney,

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