Kali Linux Penetration Testing Bible. Gus Khawaja

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Kali Linux Penetration Testing Bible - Gus Khawaja

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      Established Connections

      To display the active network connections on your Kali host, you must use the netstat command tool to get the job done. You'll use this command in your post‐exploitation phase to check how the Linux host is communicating with its network.

      On our Kali host, we have started the SSH (port 22) and the web (port 80) services; the netstat tool will allow us to see them listening for incoming connections:

      root@kali:~# netstat -antu Active Internet connections (servers and established) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp6 0 0 :::80 :::* LISTEN tcp6 0 0 :::22 :::* LISTEN udp 0 0 ESTABLISHED

      It's essential to understand what each option means:

       ‐a/‐‐all : Display all the sockets. Take note that this option is very verbose; thus, we need to combine it with the following options (to filter the output).

       ‐n/‐‐numeric : Do not resolve names. In the previous command, you saw that the IP address is followed by the port number. If I don't use the ‐n option, then the tool will try to figure out the service name (for example, for 80, it's going to be HTTP instead).

        ‐t/‐‐tcp : Display TCP connections.

       ‐u/‐‐udp : Display UDP connections.

      File Transfers

      There are so many ways to transfer files in Kali Linux. First, to download files from the internet/intranet, you have two tools in your arsenal: wget and curl . In the following example, we use both of the tools to download a password text file from one of my local web servers:

      $wget [URL] root@kali:~# wget http://ubuntu.ksec.local/passwords.txt --2020-10-01 13:32:02-- http://ubuntu.ksec.local/passwords.txt Resolving ubuntu.ksec.local (ubuntu.ksec.local)… Connecting to ubuntu.ksec.local (ubuntu.ksec.local)||:80… connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK Length: 0 [text/plain] Saving to: 'passwords.txt.1' passwords.txt.1 [ <=> ] 0 --.-KB/s in 0s 2020-10-01 13:32:02 (0.00 B/s) - 'passwords.txt.1' saved [0/0] $curl -O [URL] root@kali:~# curl -O http://ubuntu.ksec.local/passwords.txt % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 32 100 32 0 0 16000 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 16000


      If you want to download files from GitHub, then you can use the git command:

      $git clone [git project URL]

      Another way to securely transfer files using the SSH protocol is the scp command tool. It's important to understand that you will need the SSH service to be started for this process to work properly. As usual, you see a practical example of how the workflow of copying works from source to destination.

      gus@ubuntu:~$ ls Desktop Downloads passwords.txt Public Videos Documents Music Pictures Templates

      To get the job done of downloading the file, use the scp command with the following pattern (the dot at the end means that we are copying the file to our current directory in Kali):

      $scp [remote-username@remote-ip:/remote-path] [destination local path] root@kali:~# scp [email protected]:/home/gus/passwords.txt . [email protected]'s password: passwords.txt 100% 17 16.7KB/s 00:00

      Next, we will try to push a file called test.txt from my Kali to the remote SSH server (we will copy the file on the user's home directory in Ubuntu) using the scp command again:

      $scp [file local path] [remote-username@remote-ip:/remote-path] root@kali:~# scp /root/test.txt [email protected]:/home/gus [email protected]'s password: test.txt 100% 5 0.4KB/s 00:00

      Later in this book, you will see even more ways to transfer files such as Samba, FTP, etc. For the time being, you just learned the most common ways that you need to be aware of.

      With so many commands to learn in this chapter, it's overwhelming, right? The secret of mastering the usage of the terminal window is through practice. It will take a while to get familiar with the terminal window, but once you're in, you will fall in love with it.

      Your role is focused on penetration testing, and the goal of this chapter is to make it easy for you to handle the system of Kali Linux. This chapter presented the necessary tools and commands that you will encounter during an engagement. In the end, you're not a Linux system admin, but in cybersecurity, you will need to think out of the box.

      In the previous chapter, you learned lots of commands in Linux. Now, let's take your skills to the next level in the command‐line tools. In this chapter, you will see how to create scripted commands using Bash based on what you have learned so far.

      Why Bash scripting? The universality of Bash gives us, penetration testers, the flexibility of executing powerful terminal commands without the need to install a compiler or an integrated development environment (IDE). To develop a Bash script, all you need is a text editor, and you're good to go.

      When should you use Bash scripts? That's an important question to tackle before starting this chapter! Bash is not meant for developing sophisticated tools. If that's what you would like to do, you should use Python instead (Python fundamentals are covered later in this book). Bash is used for quick, small tools that you implement when you want to save time (e.g., to avoid repeating the same commands, you just write them in a Bash script).

      This chapter will not only teach you the Bash scripting language, it will go beyond that to show you the ideology of programming as well. If you're new to programming, this is a good starting point for you to understand how programming languages work (they share a lot of similarities).

      Here's what you're going to learn in this chapter:

       Printing to the screen using Bash

       Using variables

       Using script parameters

       Handling user input

       Creating functions

       Using conditional if statements

       Using while and for loops



       User input

       Script output


      There are two common ways to write into the terminal command‐line output using Bash scripting. The first simple method is to use the echo command that we saw in the previous chapter (we

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