The Archangel of a Black Feather. Al Crown

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The Archangel of a Black Feather - Al Crown

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Claudio loves you very much and always talks about you, he misses you. My father has always been a tough man, and after our mother died, he got even worse.” Loris complied, “Yes I know that. I am only worried for Claudio. It was our younger associate, very smart and open-minded. I miss our readings and translations; we had a good time up here. Anyway, I will read some verses of Dante and relax. I will call you tomorrow, my dear! Bye, now.”

      Dante Alighieri, the Italian father of poetry, was a white Catholic Guelph, exiled perpetually from Florence (the Republic of Florence) when the black Guelph (devoted to the emperor) disbanded their opponents. Dante never returned to Florence because he could have been burned at the stake. He died in Ravenna, Papal State (there are no precise dates regarding his birth and death).

      The poet’s devotees affirmed that he was born around 1265 in Florence and died in September 1321 in Ravenna at the age of fifty-six.

      Loris read Dante’s biography again and again, comparing his life with that of Claudio. A sinister meditation pervaded him, thinking that Dante never returned to his beloved city; a thought that was dragging down the man in an aura of uncertainty.

      PART II

      Saturday evening Claudio was chatting with Michael, expressing with a blatant charm: “After Lucifer was cast out of heaven, he found refuge in the very center of the Earth, concealing with him all the powerful energy of his survived reign. Fires of boiling ravaged lava were poured into the bowels of the fulcrum terrestrial planet, forcing God to desist in fighting Lucifer and his traitor angels. Dante’s Inferno is the one under our feet, embedded to our eyes since the creation of human life. A real reign of ter- restrial spiritual damnation, connected to the material life more than the heavenly holiness. That would explain why humans are more inclined in sinning than repenting, following more easily the path of perdition. Devil’s domain prevailed on earth, without any control in time. Hell has been with us since the genesis of life.”

      Michael shot his eyes wide open, obscurely flabbergasted by his cousin’s contorted speech. “Jesus, Claudio, your ideas are frightening. According to you we are all possessed by evil spirits…if they exist, obviously. I am not really a convinced believer, but I think your uncle is out of his mind! I like the idea of the mysterious opaque image you mentioned before, but to me it is just a fantastic vision, a dreamer’s illusion. Thank God it is not the truth!”

      Claudio was hiding his inner disappointment, feeling teased by his cousin. The conversation had no reason to continue, and Claudio left.

      Next morning began with a knocking on Claudio’s door. It was eleven o’clock, time for brunch. “Hey, princess, are you alive in there? Don’t you know that a night as a lion corresponds to a day as a sheep! Your uncle Loris called…he was surprised about me answering the phone!” Claudio woke up, remembering his dream about the beautiful girl. He began performing a portrait of her, almost falling in love with the image.

      Giacomo, seeing his son’s face, started singing an Italian love song, “That’s amore.”

      A couple of hours later, Claudio was on the phone with his friend Ryan Swann, with whom he used to play in a music band. Ryan had heard some news about the murders, and updated Claudio after reproaching him for missing a few jam sessions. Morris (the sacristan) finally decided to talk to Inspector Kevin about all he knew of Father Larry’s past life.

      Claudio enquired: “Where did you hear those facts, I am always following the case,”

      Ryan: “I know you are involved in a certain way, your cousin Michael told me a great deal about it. We miss you, my friend.”

      Claudio paused and said, “I will be back very soon, don’t worry, I was sick for a little while. Tell me about Kevin, please.”

      Ryan continued, “Morris Harrison asserted that Larry, as soon as arrived in Vancouver, was studying numerous books and documents that he brought from Rome. He was accurately researching here in Vancouver the past colonial history of native legends, starting from 1500 to nowadays. The cleric was obsessed about the old remains of a map, and a papal document he discovered had been kept secret in the hidden archive of the Vatican. Larry mentioned later a drawing that got lost in time.”

      Claudio implied, “It is not a confession but a clarification. I don’t understand why the sacristan delayed in giving the information, perhaps he is hiding something… settling his version.”

      A surprised Ryan responded: “Wow! You sound like a detective, I should be careful talking to you,” Claudio weaved his front as a sign of tension. Mesotti at the end decided to release the sacristan…



      Claudio was killing some time, fooling around. He grabbed the receiver and called his sister. “Hey, how are you,” said Claudio, breaking her name. A surprised toned voice replied, “Claudio! What

      a surprise! I am OK, thanks, I was thinking about you. What are you doing, is it lunchtime there?”

      A moment, “Lunch is over, sister. What’s the news from Rome, I mean in the Vatican? They should be concerned about Father Larry’s death.” Laura complied, releasing a few intriguing details. “I have seen Reverend Larry many times in the library, but I never personally talked to him. I know one of his closest friends, by the way, Father Armando Suarez; he is from the Navarre region in Spain, an expert in religious history and theological matters.”

      Claudio revived, plunging into the conversation. “Apropos of Larry’s friends, his verger here gave a full statement related to the time he spent in Italy. Morris Harrison was even arrested for reticence.”

      Laura reluctantly commented, “Arrested, the sacristan? I do not see any connection with Larry’s homicide, as far as I am concerned. It is bizarre.” On the other side: “I don’t know how to explain my feelings, but I perceive that something else is intertwined with this murder. Larry died too soon, without any logical explanation. Three months in Vancouver…it is weird, isn’t it?”

      Laura persisted, “I need to have a meeting with Armando Suarez as soon as possible. Larry’s death is illogical! Perhaps the sacristan knows, and I am completely wrong about it!”

      The siblings shifted to familiar questions before hanging up the receivers, and Claudio questioned Laura, “Are you thinking of visiting for Christmas?” There was silence for a little while. “Too busy at work, I will try in the spring perhaps. I am sorry, Cla! I know you miss me!”

      “Never mind, Laura! Spring weather is even better.”

      A click signaled the end of the conversation.

      Leon as usual followed Claudio into the bedroom, receiving a nice long brushing and a kiss on his forehead. Lying down on the soft carpet, Leon began snoring profoundly, pampering Claudio with a nice profound symphony of lost dreams.

      The next day Claudio was driving, accompanied by Isabel, passing by the Catholic Church in the North Vancouver Squamish Reserve.

      By surprise the house of worship was opened, and a man was sweeping the patio: it was the released sacristan. They parked the vehicle, and the young couple asked: “Is it possible to pay a quick visit inside the church?”

      He replied, “Yes, of course young fellows, you are welcome!”

      While guiding them inside, Morris was donning his sacristan’s cloak, explaining the history of the church and the relationship with the natives. A beautiful painting of Jesus dressed as a native appeared close to the altar, followed by saints depicted in aboriginal cloths.

      Flowers and totems were displayed along the altar, releasing a mix of historical and religious atmosphere. It was an original, well-maintained emblazoned setting.

      The sacristan explained, “Father Larry was active with the aboriginal community, and just in a few months, people attending the church increased exponentially. As you can see, we are scarce in people right now.

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