The Nursing Associate at a Glance. Ian Peate

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The Nursing Associate at a Glance - Ian  Peate

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      Table of Contents

      1  Cover

      2  Series Page

      3  Title Page

      4  Copyright Page

      5  Preface Terminology References

      6  Acknowledgements

      7  Platform 1: Being an accountable practitioner 1 The Code The Code Prioritise people Practise effectively Preserve safety Promote professionalism and trust 2 Legal and ethical The law and ethics Ethics Law 3 Duty of Candour The Duty of Candour Openness and Honesty Whistleblowing Challenges to the Duty of Candour Courage 4 Non‐discriminatory behaviour Protected characteristics Discriminatory behaviour Challenging discriminatory behaviour Chapter 5: The demands of professional practice Vulnerability Stress Recognising vulnerability Responding to stress Chapter 6: Health and well‐being The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Health and well‐being Resilience Self‐care Chapter 7: The principles of research and evidence‐based practice Research Evidence‐based practice 8 Emotional intelligence Definition Emotional intelligence Resilience 9 Effective communication Effective communication Engaging with patients and their families Effective communication Connecting with patients Unconditional positive regard 10 Maintaining appropriate relationships The Nursing Associate–patient relationship Professional boundaries Boundary violations Use of social media 11 Advocacy and person‐centred sensitive care Person‐centred sensitive care Advocacy 12 Reporting adverse incidents Safety and effective care Adverse incidents Reporting Duty of Candour 13 Numeracy, literacy, digital and technological skills Numeracy Literacy Digital and technological skills Digital literacies 14 Record keeping Keeping clear and accurate records Countersigning records Good record keeping Legal standards 15 Reflective practice Reflective practice Models

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