The Eternal Belief in Immortality & Worship of the Dead. James George Frazer

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The Eternal Belief in Immortality & Worship of the Dead - James George Frazer

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Aborigines (Brisbane and London, 1897), p. 164; compare p. 165.

      Spencer and Gillen, Native Tribes of Central Australia, p. 500.

      Spencer and Gillen, op. cit. p. 510.

      Spencer and Gillen, Northern Tribes of Central Australia, pp. 516–552.

      Spencer and Gillen, Native Tribes, p. 510.

      Spencer and Gillen, Northern Tribes, p. 507.

      Spencer and Gillen, Native Tribes, p. 511.

      F. Bonney, "On some Customs of the Aborigines of the River Darling," Journal of the Anthropological Institute, xiii. (1884) pp. 134 sq.

      Spencer and Gillen, Native Tribes of Central Australia, pp. 507, 509 sq.

      (Sir) G. Grey, Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery, ii. 332, quoting Mr. Bussel.

      Scholiast on Pindar, Olymp. i. 146.

      Homer, Odyssey, xi. 23 sqq.

      The Magic Art and the Evolution of Kings, i. 91 sq.

      J. Dawson, Australian Aborigines, p. 62.

      R. Brough Smyth, Aborigines of Victoria, i. 108.

      J. F. Mann, "Notes on the Aborigines of Australia," Proceedings of the Geographical Society of Australasia, i. (Sydney, 1885) p. 48.

      Spencer and Gillen, Northern Tribes of Central Australia, p. 506.

      Spencer and Gillen, Northern Tribes, p. 512.

      R. Sutherland Rattray, Some Folk-lore Stories and Songs in Chinyanja (London, 1907), pp. 99–101, 182.

      F. Fawcett, "The Kondayamkottai Maravars, a Dravidian Tribe of Tinnevelly, Southern India," Journal of the Anthropological Institute, xxxiii. (1903) p. 64; Captain Wolsley Haig, "Notes on the Rangari Caste in Barar," Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, lxx. Part iii. (1901) p. 8; E. Thurston, Castes and Tribes of Southern India (Madras, 1909), iv. 226 (as to the Lambadis), vi. 244 (as to the Raniyavas); compare id., Ethnographic Notes in Southern India (Madras, 1906), p. 155.

      E. Thurston, Ethnographic Notes in Southern India, p. 207.

      L. K. Anantha Krishna Iyer, The Cochin Tribes and Castes (Madras, 1909–1912), ii. 91, 112, 157, 360, 378.

      The Grihya Sutras, translated by H. Oldenberg, Part i. p. 355 (Sacred Books of the East, vol. xxix.). Compare W. Crooke, Popular Religion and Folk-lore of Northern India (Westminster, 1896), i. 245.

      Ch. A. Sherring, Western Tibet and the British Borderland (London, 1906), pp. 123 sq.

      P. N. Bose, "Chhattisgar," Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, lix., Part i. (1891) p. 290.

      E. Thurston, Ethnographic Notes in Southern India, p. 205.

      S. Powers, Tribes of California (Washington, 1877), p. 383.

      Maximilian Prinz zu Wied, Reise in das Innere Nord-America (Coblenz, 1839–1841), ii. 235.

      T. de Pauly, Description Ethnographique des Peuples de la Russie, Peuples de l'Amérique Russe (St. Petersburg, 1862), p. 13.

      E. Seler, Altmexikanische Studien, ii. (Berlin, 1899) p. 42 (Veröffentlichungen aus dem Königlichen Museum für Völkerkunde, vi. 2/4).

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