IT Cloud. Eugeny Shtoltc

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IT Cloud - Eugeny Shtoltc

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      name: liveness



      – name: healtcheck

      image: alpine: 3.5


      – / bin / sh

      – -c

      – touch / tmp / healthy; sleep 30; rm -rf / tmp / healthy; sleep 60




      – cat

      – / tmp / healthy

      initialDelaySeconds: 15

      periodSeconds: 5


      controlplane $ kubectl create -f liveness.yaml

      pod / liveness created

      controlplane $ kubectl get pods


      liveness 1/1 Running 2 2m53s

      controlplane $ kubectl describe pod / liveness | tail -n 15

      SecretName: default-token-9v5mb

      Optional: false

      QoS Class: BestEffort

      Node-Selectors: <none>

      Tolerations: for 300s for 300s


      Type Reason Age From Message

      –– – – – –

      Normal Scheduled 3m44s default-scheduler Successfully assigned default / liveness to node01

      Normal Pulled 68s (x3 over 3m35s) kubelet, node01 Container image "alpine: 3.5" already present on machine

      Normal Created 68s (x3 over 3m35s) kubelet, node01 Created container healtcheck

      Normal Started 68s (x3 over 3m34s) kubelet, node01 Started container healtcheck

      Warning Unhealthy 23s (x9 over 3m3s) kubelet, node01 Liveness probe failed: cat: can't open '/ tmp / healthy': No such file or directory

      Normal Killing 23s (x3 over 2m53s) kubelet, node01 Container healtcheck failed liveness probe, will be restarted

      We also see on cluster events that when cat / tmp / health fails, the container is re-created:

      controlplane $ kubectl get events

      controlplane $ kubectl get events | grep pod / liveness

      13m Normal Scheduled pod / liveness Successfully assigned default / liveness to node01

      13m Normal Pulling pod / liveness Pulling image "alpine: 3.5"

      13m Normal Pulled pod / liveness Successfully pulled image "alpine: 3.5"

      10m Normal Created pod / liveness Created container healtcheck

      10m Normal Started pod / liveness Started container healtcheck

      10m Warning Unhealthy pod / liveness Liveness probe failed: cat: can't open '/ tmp / healthy': No such file or directory

      10m Normal Killing pod / liveness Container healtcheck failed liveness probe, will be restarted

      10m Normal Pulled pod / liveness Container image "alpine: 3.5" already present on machine

      8m32s Normal Scheduled pod / liveness Successfully assigned default / liveness to node01

      4m41s Normal Pulled pod / liveness Container image "alpine: 3.5" already present on machine

      4m41s Normal Created pod / liveness Created container healtcheck

      4m41s Normal Started pod / liveness Started container healtcheck

      2m51s Warning Unhealthy pod / liveness Liveness probe failed: cat: can't open '/ tmp / healthy': No such file or directory

      5m11s Normal Killing pod / liveness Container healtcheck failed liveness probe, will be restarted

      Let's take a look at RadyNess trial. The availability of this test indicates that the application is ready to accept requests and the service can switch traffic to it:

      controlplane $ cat << EOF> readiness.yaml

      apiVersion: apps / v1

      kind: Deployment


      name: readiness


      replicas: 2



      app: readiness




      app: readiness



      – name: readiness

      image: python


      – / bin / sh

      – -c

      – sleep 15 && (hostname> health) && python -m http.server 9000




      – cat

      – / tmp / healthy

      initialDelaySeconds: 1

      periodSeconds: 5


      controlplane $ kubectl create -f readiness.yaml

      deployment.apps / readiness created

      controlplane $ kubectl get pods


      readiness-fd8d996dd-cfsdb 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 7s

      readiness-fd8d996dd-sj8pl 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 7s

      controlplane $ kubectl get pods


      readiness-fd8d996dd-cfsdb 0/1 Running 0 6m29s

      readiness-fd8d996dd-sj8pl 0/1 Running 0 6m29s

      controlplane $ kubectl exec -it readiness-fd8d996dd-cfsdb – curl localhost: 9000 / health


      Our containers work great. Let's add traffic to them:

      controlplane $ kubectl expose deploy readiness \

      –-type = LoadBalancer \

      –-name = readiness \

      –-port = 9000 \

      –-target-port = 9000

      service / readiness exposed

      controlplane $ kubectl get svc readiness


      readiness LoadBalancer <pending> 9000: 32355 / TCP 98s

      controlplane $ curl localhost: 9000

      controlplane $ for i in {1..5}; do curl $ IP: 9000 / health; done






      Each container has a delay. Let's check what happens if one of the containers is restarted – whether traffic will be redirected to it:

      controlplane $ kubectl get pods


      readiness-5dd64c6c79-9vq62 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 6 15m


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