The Early Foucault. Stuart Elden
Читать онлайн книгу.Centre de Documentation Universitaire, 1951.
36 36. Wahl, Sur l’interpretation, 1.
37 37. Wahl, Sur l’interpretation, 33.
38 38. BNF NAF28730 (33a), Folder 1 has notes on the Plato essay, the 1925 course, the 1936 course on Nietzsche, and Holzwege.
39 39. Jean Wahl, Traité de métaphysique: Cours professés en Sorbonne, Paris: Payot, 1968 [1953].
40 40. Jean Wahl, Vers la fin de l’ontologie: Étude sur l’Introduction dans la métaphysique par Heidegger, Paris: Société d’Édition d’Enseignement Superieur, 1956. See Martin Heidegger, Introduction to Metaphysics (GA40), trans. Gregory Fried and Richard Polt, New Haven: Yale University Press, 2000. On Wahl’s course see Janicaud, Heidegger en France I, 169–70.
41 41. Jean Wahl, Mots, mythes et réalité dans la philosophie de Heidegger, Paris: Centre de documentation universitaire, 1961.
42 42. Frédéric de Towarnicki, interview with Jean Beaufret, in À la rencontre de Heidegger: Souvenirs d’un messager de la Forêt-Noire, Paris: Gallimard, 1993, 251.
43 43. Jean Wahl, Petite histoire de l’existentialisme, Club Maintenant, 1947, 34–5.
44 44. Martin Heidegger, The Metaphysical Foundations of Logic (GA26), trans. Michael Heim, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1984, 270–1. Montenot and Janicaud both assume the course mentioned is Einleitung in die Philosophie, but since Beaufret refers to the publication of the course in the Gesamtausgabe, this cannot be the case, since Einleitung was not published until a decade after Beaufret’s death. Beaufret is wrong that the passage is not in the published version of The Metaphysical Foundations, but otherwise this story fits. See Montenot, ‘Avant-propos’, 9 n. 2; Janicaud, Heidegger en France I, 96; Towarnicki, À la rencontre de Heidegger, 251, 131; Jean Beaufret, Entretiens avec Frédéric de Towarnicki, Paris: PUF, 1984, vii.
45 45. Paola Zambelli, Alexandre Koyré in incognito, Firenze: Leo S. Olschki, 2016, 234.
46 46. See, among other works, Alexandre Koyré, From the Closed World to the Open Universe, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1957; La Révolution astronomique: Copernic, Kepler, Borelli, Paris: Hermann, 1961, The Astronomical Revolution: Copernicus, Kepler, Borelli, trans. R. E. W. Maddison, London: Methuen, 1973; and De la mystique à la science: Cours, conférences et documents 1922–1962, ed. Pietro Redondi, Paris: EHESS, 1986.
47 47. Paola Zambelli, ‘Introduction’, in Jean-François Stoffel, Bibliographie d’Alexandre Koyré, Firenze: Leo S. Olschki, 2000, vii–xx, xv. Koyré also takes part in a discussion of Wahl’s 1946 lecture published as Petite histoire de l’existentialisme, 75–9.
48 48. G. W. F. Hegel, La Phénoménologie de l’esprit, trans. Jean Hyppolite, Paris: Aubier, 2 vols, 1939–41; Genèse et structure de la Phénoménologie de l’esprit de Hegel, Paris: Aubier, 2 vols, 1946; Genesis and Structure of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit, trans. Samuel Cherniak and John Heckman, Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2000; Jean Hyppolite, Introduction à la Philosophie de l’histoire de Hegel, Paris: M. Rivière et Cie, 1948; Logique et existence: Essai sur la Logique de Hegel, Paris: PUF, 1953; Logic and Existence, trans. Leonard Lawlor and Amit Sen, Albany: SUNY Press, 1997.
49 49. Alexandre Kojève, Introduction à la lecture de Hegel: Leçons sur la Phénoménologie de l’esprit professées de 1933 à 1939 à l’École des hautes études, ed. Raymond Queneau, Paris: Gallimard, 1980 [1947]; abridged as Introduction to the Reading of Hegel: Lectures on the Phenomenology of Spirit, ed. Allan Bloom, trans. James H. Nichols, Jr, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1980 [1969].
50 50. On Kojève’s seminar, see Kleinberg, Generation Existential, ch. 2; Michel Surya, Georges Bataille: An Intellectual Biography, trans. Krzysztof Fijalkowski and Michael Richardson, London: Verso, 2002, 187–90; and Jeff Love, The Black Circle: A Life of Alexandre Kojève, New York: Columbia University Press, 2018.
51 51. Interview with Mme Hyppolite, cited in John Heckmann, ‘Introduction’, in Hyppolite, Genesis and Structure, xv–xli, xxvi.
52 52. Heckmann, ‘Introduction’, in Hyppolite, Genesis and Structure, xiii. On this context, see Judith Butler, Subjects of Desire: Hegelian Reflections in Twentieth-Century France, New York: Columbia University Press, 1987, and Bruce Baugh, French Hegel: From Surrealism to Postmodernism, London: Routledge, 2003. Hyppolite’s work was slightly preceded by G. W. F. Hegel, Morceaux choisis, translated and introduced by Henri Lefebvre and Norbert Guterman, Paris: Gallimard, 1938.
53 53. Jean Hyppolite, Études sur Marx et Hegel, Paris: Marcel Rivière et Cie, 1955; Studies on Marx and Hegel, trans. John O’Neill, London: Heinemann, 1969.
54 54. Jean Hyppolite, Figures de la pensée philosophique: Écrits 1931–1968, Paris: PUF, 2 vols, 1971.
55 55.; transcribed as DE#31 I, 448–64.
56 56. Georges Canguilhem and Michel Foucault, ‘Jean Hyppolite (1907–68)’, Revue de métaphysique et de morale, 74 (2), 1969, 129–36. Foucault’s text is reprinted as DE#67 I, 779–85.
57 57. Hommage à Jean Hyppolite, Paris: PUF, 1971. Generally, see Giuseppe Bianco (ed.), Jean Hyppolite, entre structure et existence, Paris: Rue d’Ulm, 2013.
58 58. Macey, The Lives of Michel Foucault, 32; see Eribon, Michel Foucault et ses contemporains, 315 n. 1; Schrift, Twentieth-Century French Philosophy, 126.
59 59. BNF NAF28803 (1), ‘La constitution d’un transcendantal dans la Phénoménologie de l’esprit de Hegel (1949)’. The typed copies are in folder 1 and folder 4, and fragments of Foucault’s manuscript in folder 2. Folder 1 also includes Annexes, including a summary of its argument, the sources of the quotations, a bibliography, and a plan. Folders 2 and 3 include some handwritten preparatory notes relating to this thesis. Subsequent references are to the version in folder 4, supplemented by the outlines. There are reading notes in other places, notably in BNF NAF28730 (33a). On the thesis, see Pierre Macherey, ‘Foucault serait-il sorti de Hegel?’ and Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod, ‘Hegel et ses ombres: Alexandre Kojève et l’anti-hégélianisme français des années 1960’, Les Temps modernes, 695, 2017, 91–114.
60 60. ‘La Constitution d’un transcendantal’, 13.
61 61. ‘La Constitution d’un transcendantal’, 13.
62 62. For a schematic outline, see BNF NAF28803 (1), folder 1, subfolder 3, 2 versions du Plan.
63 63. ‘La Constitution d’un transcendantal’, 19–21.
64 64. ‘La Constitution d’un transcendantal’, 44–5; BNF NAF28803 (1), folder 1, subfolder 3, Plan 1, 2.
65 65. BNF NAF28803 (1), folder 1, subfolder 2, 1; see ‘La Constitution d’un transcendantal’, 46.
66 66. ‘La Constitution d’un transcendantal’, 69–70.
67 67. BNF NAF28803 (1), folder 1, subfolder 3, Plan 1, 2; see ‘La Constitution d’un transcendantal’, 53, 71.
68 68. BNF NAF28803 (1), folder 1, subfolder 2, 1; see ‘La Constitution d’un transcendantal’, 54 which outlines the three chapters of the second part in terms of a regressive step, a strictly transcendental analysis, and a progressive descent [redescente]; 66–7 where they are empirical progression and transcendental regression; and 68, 139–40.
69 69. BNF NAF28803 (1), folder 1, subfolder 2, 1.
70 70. ‘La Constitution d’un transcendantal’, 2.
71 71. ‘La Constitution d’un transcendantal’, 3.
72 72. ‘La Constitution d’un transcendantal’, 3.
73 73. ‘La Constitution d’un transcendantal’, 72.
74 74. ‘La Constitution d’un transcendantal’, 88–9.
75 75. ‘La Constitution d’un transcendantal’,