Mastering Linux System Administration. Richard Blum

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Mastering Linux System Administration - Richard Blum

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rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_44d49efe-6cf0-5b8b-a596-8537763f0fc3">Chapter 10: Booting Linux Chapter 11: Working with Storage Devices Chapter 12: Configuring Network Settings Chapter 13: Managing Users and Groups Chapter 14: Working with Processes and Jobs Chapter 15: Managing Log Files Chapter 16: Managing Printers Chapter 17: Exploring Ubuntu Security Chapter 18: Exploring Red Hat Security Chapter 19: Writing Scripts Chapter 20: Managing Web Servers Chapter 21: Managing Database Servers Chapter 22: Exploring the Virtualization Environment

      12  Index

      13  End User License Agreement

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 1TABLE 1.1: The SysVinit RunlevelsTABLE 1.2: Linux FilesystemsTABLE 1.3: Other Linux Graphical DesktopsTABLE 1.4: Linux ShellsTABLE 1.5: Core Linux DistributionsTABLE 1.6: Specialized Linux Distributions

      2 Chapter 2TABLE 2.1: Recommended Server Resources for Ubuntu Server DistributionTABLE 2.2: Recommended Host Machine Resources for an Ubuntu Server VM

      3 Chapter 4TABLE 4.1: Recommended Server Resources for CentOS DistributionTABLE 4.2: Recommended Host Machine Resources for a CentOS VM

      4 Chapter 5TABLE 5.1: The rpm Command ActionsTABLE 5.2: The rpm Command Query Action Options

      5 Chapter 6TABLE 6.1: The Linux Man Page Conventional Section NamesTABLE 6.2: The Linux Man Page Section AreasTABLE 6.3: A Few history Command OptionsTABLE 6.4: Linux Standard File DescriptorsTABLE 6.5: A Few Common Default Linux Global Environment Variables

      6 Chapter 7TABLE 7.1: Common Linux Directory NamesTABLE 7.2: Some Popular ls Command ParametersTABLE 7.3: The cp Command ParametersTABLE 7.4: Useful find Command OptionsTABLE 7.5: Linux File Compression UtilitiesTABLE 7.6: The tar Command FunctionsTABLE 7.7: The tar Command Options

      7 Chapter 8TABLE 8.1: Commonly Used vim Command Mode Moving CommandsTABLE 8.2: Commonly Used vim Ex Mode CommandsTABLE 8.3: nano Common Control CommandsTABLE 8.4: Commonly Used sort Command OptionsTABLE 8.5: The locate Command's Commonly Used OptionsTABLE 8.6: The find Command's Commonly Used Options and ExpressionsTABLE 8.7: The grep Command's Commonly Used OptionsTABLE 8.8: The tar Command's Commonly Used Archive Creation OptionsTABLE 8.9: The tar Command's Commonly Used Archive Verification OptionsTABLE 8.10: The tar Command's Commonly Used File Restore Options

      8 Chapter 9TABLE 9.1: The modprobe Command OptionsTABLE 9.2: The lspci Command‐Line OptionsTABLE 9.3: The lsusb Command OptionsTABLE 9.4: The udevadm Commands

      9 Chapter 10TABLE 10.1: Commonly Defined /etc/default/grub KeysTABLE 10.2: Commonly Used System Boot Target Unit FilesTABLE 10.3: Commonly Used Service Unit File [Unit] Section DirectivesTABLE 10.4: Commonly Used Service Unit File [Service] Section DirectivesTABLE 10.5: Commonly Used Service Unit File [Install] Section DirectivesTABLE 10.6: Commonly Used systemctl Service Management CommandsTABLE 10.7: Convenient systemctl Service Status CommandsTABLE 10.8: Operational Statuses Provided by systemctl is‐system‐running...TABLE 10.9: Common systemd‐analyze Commands

      10 Chapter 11TABLE 11.1: Common fdisk CommandsTABLE 11.2: Common gdisk CommandsTABLE 11.3: The parted CommandsTABLE 11.4: Linux Filesystem Stats CommandsTABLE 11.5: Popular e2fsprogs Programs

      11 Chapter 12TABLE 12.1: The ip Utility Command OptionsTABLE 12.2: Network Interface Bonding Modes

      12 Chapter 13TABLE 13.1: Octal Mode PermissionsTABLE 13.2: Results from Common umask Values for Files and DirectoriesTABLE 13.3: A Few Vital /etc/login.defs DirectivesTABLE 13.4: A Few Vital /etc/default/useradd DirectivesTABLE 13.5: The /etc/passwd File's Record FieldsTABLE 13.6: The /etc/shadow File's Record FieldsTABLE 13.7: The useradd Command's Commonly Used OptionsTABLE 13.8: The passwd Command's Commonly Used OptionsTABLE 13.9: The usermod Command's Commonly Used Options

      13 Chapter 14TABLE 14.1: The top Interactive CommandsTABLE 14.2: Linux Process SignalsTABLE 14.3: The jobs Command Parameters

      14 Chapter 15TABLE 15.1: The journald.conf File Commonly Modified DirectivesTABLE 15.2: The journalctl Utility's Commonly Used OptionsTABLE 15.3: The Common journalctl MATCHES Parameters Used for FilteringTABLE 15.4: The syslog Protocol Facility ValuesTABLE 15.5: The syslog Protocol Severity Values

      15 Chapter 17TABLE 17.1: Primary OpenSSH Configuration FilesTABLE 17.2: The ufw Commands to Control State and View StatusTABLE 17.3: The ufw Command's Commonly Used ArgumentsTABLE 17.4: The ufw Command's Full Syntax Common Settings

      16 Chapter 18TABLE 18.1: The Default firewalld Zones

      17 Chapter 19TABLE 19.1: Condition Tests

      18 Chapter 20TABLE 20.1: The apache2ctl Utility CommandsTABLE 20.2: Common Apache Configuration Directives

      19 Chapter 21TABLE 21.1: RDBMS Data TypesTABLE 21.2: A Few Basic SQL CommandsTABLE 21.3: A Few PostgreSQL Role Access Settings

      20 Chapter 22TABLE 22.1: Basic snap SubcommandsTABLE 22.2: Basic flatpak Subcommands

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1FIGURE 1.1 The Linux systemFIGURE 1.2 The Linux system memory mapСкачать книгу