Digital Health Communications. Группа авторов
Читать онлайн книгу.project would also not have been possible without the unwavering support of the French, Canadian and Quebec funding agencies that support our research teams. For CIMEOS (EA 4177) and the LIPSTIC laboratory of excellence: the Agence nationale de la recherche (Labex LipSTIC, ANR-11-LABX-0021), the Burgundy-Franche-Comté Region and the European Regional Development Fund. For the ComSanté research center: the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC), the Conseil de la recherche et de la création (COREC, UQAM).
1 Acknowledgments written by Benoit CORDELIER and Olivier GALIBERT.
Author Biographies
Pénélope Codello
Pénélope Codello, PhD, is a professor at HEC Montréal. Her research and teaching focus on soft skills and personal development; her work also focuses on education sciences and managerial perspectives. Codello is interested in the analysis of social cohesion in leadership development and is also a Gestalt coach. Finally, she also exercises major responsibilities in the educational and administrative management of her school.
Benoit Cordelier
Benoit Cordelier is a professor in the department of Social and Public Communication at Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), where he is a researcher at the Centre de recherche sur la communication et la santé (ComSanté) and at the Chair of Public Relations and Marketing Communication. Cordelier is also editor of Communiquer, a social and public communications journal. His research focuses on change and organizational processes, as well as the communicational aspects of culture in online consumer communities.
Damien De Meyere
Damien De Meyere is a linguist, computer scientist and PhD student at the Institut langage et communication of the Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium). De Meyere specializes in the development of natural language processing software which enables textual productions from socio-digital platforms to be analyzed. His research focuses on the use of information extraction techniques in order to establish a typology of lay expertise within health forums such as Doctissimo.
Stéphane Djahanchahi
Stéphane Djahanchahi is a PhD student at the Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté under the supervision of Olivier Galibert and Benoit Cordelier. His research focuses on the Health Knowledge Innovation research axis (Santé savoirs innovation, 2SI) of the CIMEOS laboratory and Labex LipSTIC. His thesis focuses on the organization and instrumentalization of online communities, the theme being therapeutic cannabis. Djahanchahi’s research themes are the construction of expertise within online communities and methods of legitimizing knowledge used by some of their members.
Olivier Galibert
Olivier Galibert is an Information and Communication Sciences professor at the Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté. Director of the CIMEOS laboratory, his research questions the forms of community socialization at work on the Internet and as well as Intranets. Today, his investigations are centered on community management issues in communities of patients, caregivers and health professionals.
Géraldine Goulinet Fité
Géraldine Goulinet Fité is a doctor in Information and Communication Sciences at the Université Bordeaux Montaigne. Associated with the MICA laboratory (Médiation information communication art), she participates in work on vulnerability within the axis of organization communication and society. Goulinet Fité’s research focuses on the contribution of digital uses in health, regarding the ethical and practical exercise of home care in the context of aging and chronic disease.
Anne Mayère
Anne Mayère is a professor at the Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse 3, and a researcher at the CERTOP laboratory, UMR CNRS, jointly responsible for the Santal axis. Her research, with a basis in the communication of organizations, focuses on the rationalization of information production and communication activities, such as that employed in different organizations, and in particular in health organizations. Mayère’s current research programs relate to developments in e-health and Big Data in health.
Pierre Mignot
Pierre Mignot is a lecturer in Information and Communication Sciences at the Laboratoire d’études et de recherches appliquées en sciences sociales (LERASS) of Université́ de Toulouse 3 – Paul Sabatier. His research focuses on representations in the context of health and prevention. Mignot completes analyses of discourses and content from social media including Facebook and Twitter, but more particularly on the practices of health practitioners and the population concerned with cancer prevention and screening.
Laurent Morillon
Laurent Morillon is a professor at the Université des Antilles, pôle Martinique, where he is a researcher at LC2S (UMR 8053). Joint head of the Org&Co study and research group of the SFSIC1, his research focuses on the epistemological practices and models of actors in an organizational context, notably researchers in organizational communication and communicators.
David Morquin
David Morquin is a doctor and specialist in internal medicine and infections at the Centre hospitalier universitaire de Montpellier, where he manages the delegation for the use of digital technology, which he created. In 2019, he defended his PhD in management sciences (information systems) on the use of electronic health records in public hospitals. Morquin’s current research themes are digital transformation among professional workers, the impacts of computerization on medical reasoning and clinical practices.
Ewan Oiry
Ewan Oiry is a professor of human resources management at the École des sciences de gestion – Université du Québec à Montréal (ESG-UQAM). His current research themes include skills management, HRM systems and their links with organizational strategies. Oiry has published many articles and chapters in books on the uses of technology in organizations. For many years, he has been responsible for an AGHRH thematic research group on skills management.
Roxana Ologeanu-Taddei
Roxana Ologeanu-Taddei is an Information Systems research professor at TBS Business School, Toulouse, France. She is interested in the digital transformation of healthcare organizations and mHealth applications. Associate editor of the BMC Health Services Management journal, Ologeanu-Taddei is also joint head of groups concerning the digital transformation of health, firstly in the association information et management (AIM) and the association internationale de management stratégique (AIMS).
Dorsaf Omrane
Dorsaf Omrane is a lecturer in Information and Communication Sciences and joint team leader of the Organicom research team within the Laboratoire d’études et de recherches appliquées en sciences sociales (LERASS) of the Université de Toulouse 3 – Paul Sabatier. Her current research focuses on the content of online interactions, institutional discourses concerning the prevention and screening of breast cancer as well as perceptions and representations of actors concerned.
Hélène Romeyer
Hélène Romeyer is a professor in the Information-Communication department of Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté, where she is director of the Information-Communication department and responsible for the Master’s degree in communication. Romeyer is a researcher at CIMEOS and jointly responsible for the health, knowledge and innovations axis. Her