The Collected Works of Aleister Crowley. Aleister Crowley

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The Collected Works of Aleister Crowley - Aleister Crowley

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the Experience of THAT of which Reason is the blasphemy.

      But without the Experience these words are the Lies of a Looby.

      Yet a Looby to thee, and a Booby to me, a Balassius Ruby to GOD, may be !

      ΚΕΦΑΛΗ Μ

      THE HIMOG19

      Table of Contents

      A red rose absorbs all colours but red ; red is therefore the one colour that it is not.

      This Law, Reason, Time, Space, all Limitation blinds us to the Truth.

      All that we know of Man, Nature, God, is just that which they are not ; it is that which they throw off as repungnant.

      The HIMOG is only visible insofar as He is imperfect.

      Then are they all glorious who seem not to be glorious, as the HIMOG is All-glorious Within?

      It may be so.

      How then distinguish the inglorious and perfect HIMOG from the inglorious man of earth?

      Distinguish not !

      But thyself Ex-tinguish : HIMOG art thou, and HIMOG shalt thou be.



      Table of Contents

      In V. V. V. V. V. is the Great Work perfect.

      Therefore none is that pertaineth not to V. V. V. V. V.

      In any may he manifest ; yet in one hath he chosen to manifest ; and this one hath given His ring as a Seal of Authority to the Work of the A∴ A∴ through the colleagues of FRATER PERDURABO.

      But this concerns themselves and their administration ; it concerneth none below the grade of Exempt Adept, and such an one only by command.

      Also, since below the Abyss Reason is Lord, let men seek by experiment, and not by Questionings.



      Table of Contents

      In the wind of the mind arises the turbulence21 called I.

      It breaks ; down shower the barren thoughts.

      All life is choked.

      This desert is the Abyss wherein is the Universe. The Stars are but thistles in that waste.

      Yet this desert is but one spot accursed in a world of bliss.

      Now and again Travellers cross the desert ; they come from the Great Sea, and to the Great Sea they go.

      As they go they spill water ; one day they will irrigate the desert, till it flower.

      See ! five footprints of a Camel ! V. V. V. V. V.



      Table of Contents

      Black blood upon the altar ! and the rustle of angel wings above !

      Black blood of the sweet fruit, the bruised, the violated bloom—that setteth The Wheel a-spinning in the spire.

      Death is the veil of Life, and Life of Death ; for both are Gods.

      This is that which is written : “ A feast for Life, and a greater feast for Death !” in THE BOOK OF THE LAW.

      The blood is the life of the individual : offer then blood !



      Table of Contents

       The Magician, his breast bare, stands before an altar on which are his Burin, Bell, Thurible, and two of the Cakes of Light. In the Sign of the Enterer he reaches West across the Altar, and cries :

      Hail Ra, that goest in Thy bark

      Into the Caverns of the Dark !

       He gives the sign of Silence, and takes the Bell, and Fire, in his hands.

      East of the Altar see me stand

      With Light and Musick in mine hand !

      He strikes Eleven times upon the Bell 3 3 3— 5 5 5 5 5—3 3 3 and places the Fire in the Thurible.

      I strike the Bell : I light the flame :

      I utter the mysterious Name.


       He strikes Eleven times upon the Bell.

      Now I begin to pray : Thou Child,

      Holy Thy name and undefiled !

      Thy reign is come : Thy will is done.

      Here is the Bread ; here is the Blood.

      Bring me through midnight to the Sun !

      Save me from Evil and from Good !

      That Thy one crown of all the Ten.

      Even now and here be mine. AMEN.

       He puts the first Cake on the Fire of the Thurible.

      I burn the Incense-cake, proclaim

      These adorations of Thy name.

       He makes them as in Liber Legis, and strikes again Eleven times upon the Bell. With the Burin he then makes upon his breast the proper sign.

      Behold this bleeding breast of mine

      Gashed with the sacramental sign !

       He puts the second Cake to the wound.

      I stanch the blood ; the wafer soaks

      It up, and the high priest invokes !

       He eats the second Cake.

      This Bread I eat. This Oath I swear

      As I enflame myself with prayer :

      “ There is no grace : there is no guilt :

      This is the Law : DO WHAT THOU WILT !

      He strikes Eleven times upon the Bell, and cries ABRAHADABRA.

      I entered in with woe ; with mirth I now go forth, and with thanksgiving,

      To do my pleasure on the earth Among the legions of the living.

       He goeth forth.



      Table of Contents

      “ Explain this happening

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