The Book Of Lies. Aleister Crowley

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The Book Of Lies - Aleister Crowley

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us from Good and Evil !

      That Mine as Thine be the Crown of the Kingdom, even now.


      These ten words are four, the Name of the One.

      ΚΕΦΑΛΗ Γ


      Table of Contents

      The Brothers of A∴ A∴ are one with the Mother of the Child.4

      The Many is as adorable to the One as the One is to the Many. This is the Love of These ; creation-parturition is the Bliss of the One ; coition-dissolution is the Bliss of the Many.

      The All, thus interwoven of These, is Bliss.

      Naught is beyond Bliss.

      The Man delights in uniting with the Woman ; the Woman in parting from the Child.

      The Brothers of A∴ A∴ are Women : the Aspirants to A∴ A∴ are Men.

      ΚΕΦΑΛΗ B


      Table of Contents

      Soft and hollow, how thou dost overcome the hard and full !

      It dies, it gives itself ; to Thee is the fruit !

      Be thou the Bride ; thou shalt be the Mother hereafter.

      To all impressions thus. Let them not overcome thee ; yet let them breed within thee. The least of the impressions, come to its perfection, is Pan.

      Receive a thousand lovers ; thou shalt bear but One Child.

      This child shall be the heir of Fate the Father.

      ΚΕΦΑΛΗ E


      Table of Contents

      That is not which is.

      The only Word is Silence.

      The only Meaning of that Word is not.

      Thoughts are false.

      Fatherhood is unity disguised as duality.

      Peace implies war.

      Power implies war.

      Harmony implies war.

      Victory implies war.

      Glory implies war.

      Foundation implies war.

      Alas ! for the Kingdom wherein all these are at war.

      ΚΕΦΑΛΗ F


      Table of Contents

      The Word was uttered : the One exploded into one thousand million worlds.

      Each world contained a thousand million spheres.

      Each sphere contained a thousand million planes.

      Each plane contained a thousand million stars.

      Each star contained a many thousand million things.

      Of these the reasoner took six, and, preening, said : This is the One and the All.

      These six the Adept harmonised, and said : This is the Heart of the One and the All.

      These six were destroyed by the Master of the Temple ; and he spake not.

      The Ash thereof was burnt up by the Magus into The Word.

      Of all this did the Ipsissimus know Nothing.

      ΚΕΦΑΛΗ Ζ


      Table of Contents

      None are They whose number is Six :5 else were they six indeed.

      Seven6 are these Six that live not in the City of the Pyramids, under the Night of Pan.

      There was Lao-tzŭ.

      There was Siddartha.

      There was Krishna.

      There was Tahuti.

      There was Mosheh.

      There was Dionysus.7

      There was Mahmud.

      But the Seventh men called PERDURABO ; for enduring unto The End, at The End was Naught to endure.8


      ΚΕΦΑΛΗ Η


      Table of Contents

      Mind is a disease of semen.

      All that a man is or may be is hidden therein.

      Bodily functions are parts of the machine ; silent, unless in dis-ease.

      But mind, never at ease, creaketh ” ‘ I.’

      This I persisteth not, posteth not through generations, changeth momently, finally is dead.

      Therefore is man only himself when lost to himself in The Charioting.

      ΚΕΦΑΛΗ Θ


      Table of Contents

      Being is the Noun ; Form is the Adjective.

      Matter is the Noun ; Motion is the Verb.

      Wherefore hath Being clothed itself with Form?

      Wherefore hath Matter manifested itself in Motion?

      Answer not, O silent one ! For THERE is no ‘ wherefore ’, no ‘ because.’

      The name of THAT is not known ; the Pronoun interprets, that is , misinterprets, It.

      Time and Space are Adverbs.

      Duality begat the Conjunction.

      The Conditioned is Father of the Preposition.

      The Article also marketh Division ; but the Interjection is the sound that endeth in the Silence.

      Destroy therefore the Eight Parts of Speech ; the Ninth is nigh unto Truth.

      This also must be destroyed before thou enterest into The Silence.


      ΚΕΦΑΛΗ Ι


      Table of Contents

      The Abyss of Hallucinations has Law and Reason ; but in Truth there is no bond between the Toys of the Gods.

      This Reason and Law is the Bond of the Great Lie.

      Truth ! Truth ! Truth ! crieth the Lord

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