Environmental and Agricultural Microbiology. Группа авторов

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Environmental and Agricultural Microbiology - Группа авторов

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al. [32] also showed the biodegradation of the pesticide methyl parathion (MP) by cyanobacteria P. foveolarum, N. muscorum, N. linckia, and Oscillatoria animalis and green algae S. bijugatus and C. vulgaris. The study showed that they were capable of hydrolyzing the insecticide in 20 days while C. vulgaris, N. linckia, and S. bijugatus could hydrolyze the same in 30 days. Thus, it concluded that the biodegradation capabilities of selected microalgal and cyanobacterial strain followed the following order: C. vulgaris < S. bijugatus < N. linckia < N. muscorum < O. animalis < P. foveolarum.

Chemical Microalgae/Cyanobacteria Reference
Monocrotophos and Quinalphos Chlorella vulgaris, Scenedesmus bijugatus, Synechococcus elongatus, Phormidium tenue, Nostoc linckia [31]
Methyl parathion C. vulgaris, S. bijugatus, N. linckia, N. muscorum, Oscillatoria animalis, P. foveolarum [32]
DDT Chlorococcum sp., Anabaena sp., Nostoc sp. [77]
α-Endosulfan Scenedesmus sp., Chlorococcum sp., [76]
Fenamiphos Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, Chlorococcum sp. [33]
Dimethomorph and Pyrimethanil S. quadricauda [39]
Fluroxypyr Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [40]
Chlorpyrifos Synechocystis sp. strain PUPCCC 64 [41]
Prometryne C. reinhardtii [43]
Anilofos Synechocystis sp. strain PUPCCC 64 [42]
Acephate, Imidaclorpid C. mexicana [44]
Diazinon C. vulgaris [13]
Methyl parathion Fischerella sp. [45]

      2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP) is often used as an intermediate in synthesis of insecticides and herbicides such as 2,4-D. Thus, the release of chlorophenols as industrial waste or by degradation of chlorinated pesticides have cause serious environmental threat [34]. Yang et al. [35] reported biotransformation and enzymatic responses of 2,4-dichlorophenol in Skeletonema costatum (diatom). They demonstrated that Cytochrome P-450, a key enzyme in biotransformation and metabolization, did not play an important role in 2,4-DCP detoxification.

      Popular pest control agents such as chlorinated agrochemicals cause serious environmental problems such as accumulation in non-target organisms as well as in water and soil. Considering the high persistence and toxicity of chlorinated pesticide like lindane, many countries have prohibited its direct application [36]. Thus, there is a requirement of potential microalgal strain for eco-friendly remediation of chlorinated pesticides. Kuritz and Wolk [37] evaluated the lindane degrading potential of cyanobacteria N. ellipsosporum and Anabaena sp. genetically manipulated to biodegrade another contaminant 4-chlorobenzoate. Biodegradation of the pesticide lindane by the cyanobacterial strains Synechococcus sp., Oscillatoria sp., Cyanothece sp., Nodularia sp., Synechococcus sp., Nostoc sp., Microcystis aeruginosa, A. cylindrical, M. aeruginosa, A. spiroides, and A. flos-aquae has been reported [38].

      Dosnon-Olette [39] demonstrated the removal of fungicides dimethomorph and pyrimethanil and herbicide isoproturon by the microalgae S. quadricauda and S. obliquus. The study showed that S. quadricauda removed dimethomorph and pyrimethanil more effectively than S. obliquus. Fluroxypyr (pesticide) accumulation and degradation by green alga C. reinhardtii was reported by Zhang [40]. They noted that C. reinhardtii had the potential to degrade more than 57% of bioaccumulated fluroxypyr within 5 days.

      Singh et al. [41] demonstrated the potential of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. to biodegrade the organophosphorus pesticide chlorpyrifos. The study showed that the organism could tolerate chlorpyrifos up to 15 mg L−1. Maximum removal of chlorpyrifos was achieved at a temperature of 30°C, pH 7.0, and 100 mg protein−1 biomass. Metabolization of the pesticide by the cyanobacteria resulted in production of 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol as degradation product. The same cyanobacterial strain was later reported to degrade anilofos by Singh et al. [42]. In the study, the organism was found to tolerate high concentration of anilofos (25 mg L−1).

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