Little Girl Gone: A gripping crime thriller full of twists and turns. Stephen Edger

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Little Girl Gone: A gripping crime thriller full of twists and turns
Stephen Edger
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Год выпуска:
A tense psychological thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat!Perfect for fans of Carol Wyer, Louise Jensen and K.L. Slater.Will she ever see her daughter again?It’s every parent’s worst nightmare. Alex Granger only turned her back for a moment – but a moment was all it took for her world to be destroyed. Her two-year-old daughter Carol-Anne has vanished into thin air.Alex’s husband Ray is a detective, so he’s used to dealing with horrific cases. But nothing could have prepared him for this. Forbidden from aiding the inquiry, he is forced to confront the fact that he might never see his daughter again.With no suspects, no DNA evidence and no promising leads, the investigation stalls. Then Alex receives a note, telling her exactly what to do if she wants to see her daughter again… And Alex must ask herself, is she really prepared to do anything to save her child?