The Vitality Imperative. Mickey Connolly

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The Vitality Imperative
Mickey Connolly
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The ever-present challenge for leaders is how to get more done with less time, money, and stress.The Vitality Imperative answers that challenge and gives leaders a reliable and actionable road map for creating and sustaining a humane and lasting approach to the thorniest challenges and opportunities modern organizations face.The Vitality Imperative will teach:• 7 key promises that connected leaders make to ignite and sustain vitality• Self-evident principles to provoke new thought and action• Engaging examples of these principles in action• Personal and team practices to test the principles and cultivate personal and organizational effectiveness.Based on over 25 years of research and application in Fortune 500 organizations on six continents around the?world, this book describes how connected leadershipTM builds a working culture of energized high performance, characterized by community, contribution, and choice.The Vitality Imperative is about return-on-effort. It’s about leading organizations in ways that produce great results and are deeply satisfying for both employees and shareholders.