A Smart Girl's Guide: Worry. Nancy Holyoke

Учебная литература. American Girl

A Smart Girl's Guide: Worry
Nancy Holyoke
American Girl
Учебная литература
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Sometimes when we worry about something, it feels like we're the only ones – and that makes us even more worried! But really, everyone worries about something from time to time. Sometimes the worries are about big things, like an argument with a friend, taking an important test, or having to perform in front of a crowd; and sometimes the worry is about smaller things like having a bad hair day or saying something embarrassing. But regardless of what the worry is about, it never feels fun to worry! This book will help you put a stop to worrying as soon as it starts. Take interesting quizzes to discover more about yourself and the things that concern you, and get great tips and tricks for creating a sense of calm. Plus, read some really helpful advice from girls just like you who found a way to relax their worries. The whole book is packed with techniques for handling worry, creating confidence, and inspiring you to be the girl you're meant to be.