Dakini Teachings. Padmasambhava Guru Rinpoche

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Dakini Teachings
Padmasambhava Guru Rinpoche
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PADMASAMBHAVA’S ORAL INSTRUCTIONS TO LADY TSOGYALThe teachings collected in this book are part of the ancient tradition known as terma treasures -works hidden during the ninth century in secret places in Tibet, to be rediscovered by qualified masters of future generations. Padmasambhava’s oral teachings to his chief disciple- Yeshe Tsogyal, Princess of Kharchen- were recorded in coded language called dakinis script and concealed for centuries.Descend with the view while ascending with the conduct.It is most essential to practice these two as a unity.The selections in Dakini Teachings are short, direct instructions relating to the three levels of Buddhist practice: Hinayana, Mahayana, and Vajrayana. The main emphasis of Padmasambhava’s teaching is that spiritual knowledge must be personalized and not remain as mere theory. Then book includes an introductory discourse by Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche and a short biography of Padmasambhava by Jamgon Kongtrul.