Reflections on Biblical Themes by an Octogenarian. Reuben J. Swanson

Религия: прочее.

Reflections on Biblical Themes by an Octogenarian
Reuben J. Swanson
Религия: прочее
Год выпуска:
Reflections on Biblical Themes by an Octogenarian represents the journey into faith by the author of the essays over the span of sixty years in the pastoral ministry and as a professor on college, university, and theological school levels. There has been a continuing growth in understanding from the beginnings of a rather conservative religious background and training to a more mature appreciation and understanding of life. This growth came about through the interchange in the classroom as a student in preparation for ministry, then as a pastor in the everyday work experience and interchange with parishioners and especially in the interchange with students in the classroom. This more mature understanding and growth is reflected in the essays presented in this volume on various themes as listed in the Table of Contents. It is hoped that they will be of value to lay persons and to professionals in the life of the church and in the academic world, and that they will stimulate thought and discussion in parishes and in institutions of higher learning. Some of the viewpoints may seem to be controversial, but how are we to grow intellectually and spiritually unless we wrestle seriously with the deep and profound questions of our faith and life? These reflections are offered with the hope and prayer that they will stimulate discussion and growth in the life of the church in both parish and academic settings.