Single. Women. Entrepreneurs. Second Edition. Erin Albert

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Single. Women. Entrepreneurs. Second Edition
Erin Albert
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The number of unmarried adult women actually outnumbers the number or married women for the first time in US history, according to the Population Reference Bureau, in October, 2010. Women are now earning more, going to college and graduate schools more, and finding ways to become more independent. Also, according to the Kauffman Foundation, single, divorced and widowed women start more businesses as entrepreneurs than men in their respective categories. This book interviews over 30 single women entrepreneurs throughout the US to discern why they started their original businesses, what the perceived advantages and disadvantages are for the single woman entrepreneur, what they each learned from the experience, and what advice they have for the next generation of women solopreneurs.<br><br>The first edition of this book has been reviewed in The New York Times, Entrepreneur and author Dan Pink&#39;s blog.