The Fountain of Humor for Seniors. Richard G. Lazar PhD

Юмористические стихи.

The Fountain of Humor for Seniors
Richard G. Lazar PhD
Юмористические стихи
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The Fountain of Humor for Seniors available as an eBook and in Audio files is a collection of jokes and stories targeted to seniors 50+. These jokes can be read and listened to by the senior him- or herself or read and/or played to them by the people who live, work or love them. The material is helpful to mind and body. It is funny, tasteful and likely to make most seniors laugh out loud. <br><br>It&#39;s all about feeling good, feeling much better, reducing sad feelings, healing mind and body. All anyone needs to do is to laugh loud and long to feel good and better. Yes, it works. It&#39;s not a cure-all for aging and not a Fountain of Youth . . . simply a Fountain of Humor&acirc;?&#162; for seniors. It is a supply of funny jokes and stories that really helps, for a while, to reduce the depression about aging, the loss of loved ones, chronic illness, loss of sight, sound and mobility. <br><br>Our jokes and stories are provided through our unique process of selection, customization and cleansing by our &quot;Joke-Jury.&quot; This combined publication of text and audio has been designed so that:<br><br>A blind or partially blind person can hear the jokes and laugh. <br>A deaf or partially deaf person can see the jokes and laugh. <br>A healthy person can see and hear the jokes and laugh. <br>Even the dying find something to laugh about for a moment in time and will ask for more jokes. <br><br>My father-in-law, terminally ill with cancer, called often in his last year asking my wife and me to read a joke or two to him. Hearing him laugh from miles away also opened the door to comforting conversation and made it easier for all of us. This is mighty important for all of us.<br><br>An 85-year-old, losing her mental capacities, repeatedly asked for our jokes to be read to her. It comforted her right up to her passing.<br><br>A professional woman purchased the set for &quot;signing&quot; to groups of deaf people. She works with them as the audio version plays the jokes for her. <br><br>Instructions are provided on how to read them to diverse senior audiences in institutional settings or families or to their friends. <br><br>We believe that the elderly, infirmed, families or just two people enjoy the togetherness and communal feeling that laughter brings. People love having jokes read to them. That &quot;legitimizes&quot; laughing out loud. Everyone wants to laugh, whether they are kids age 1 or 100.