Rite of Passage for the Home and Church. D. Kevin Brown

Секс и семейная психология.

Rite of Passage for the Home and Church
D. Kevin Brown
Секс и семейная психология
Год выпуска:
Most of us today would agree that the children of this new millennium are growing up in a world that is filled with pitfalls and treacherous paths that previous generations have not had to negotiate. How do we prepare these children to not only survive these paths but be victorious? Father, former youth pastor, and now church pastor, Kevin Brown shares the vision he has been given for teaching about and expecting from our children an involved, discipled way of life. He believes «The Christian faith depends upon the transfer of the gospel from one generation to the next.» Rite of Passage in the Home and Church describes, not a «program,» but instead a family's commitment to making a change in priorities that will impact them for generations to come. Pastor Kevin says, «The family has been fractured and splintered by the culture and this segregation of family by age has been brought to the church.» At his home church, the family worships together. There is no children's church, no youth services…just the family of God worshiping together as indicated in Scripture. Kevin believes the only hope for our culture is the church and the only hope for the church is the restoration of the family. This book will be of value to you individually, but is designed for use in a church community for best results.