Church Ahead. Bruce G. Epperly

Религия: прочее.

Church Ahead
Bruce G. Epperly
Религия: прочее
Год выпуска:
How do you feel when you see a yellow caution sign that reads “Church Ahead?” Is it a place of potential answers and guidance, or a stumbling block, holding you back? In Church Ahead , Bruce Epperly, pastor, professor, and adventurous pilgrim looks about what this sign could mean. He looks at the kinds of spiritual practice that a congregation can embrace in order to be renewed themselves, and restore their mission to those around them who are hurting and in need. This is not a rejection of “church” as an institution, but a challenge to make church into a beacon of hope and light. The mission presented in this book is not just abstract theology and spirituality. It calls for, describes, and embraces spiritual practices that have an impact on the church, the community, and the world. Each chapter includes specific activities designed to change attitudes and energize action. In answer to the ancient question voiced by the prophet Ezekiel – can these bones live? – Epperly gives an emphatic “Yes!” But the path to that life involves an embrace of spiritual life, change, and adventure in every aspect of ministry.