The Secret Daughter. Roz Fox Denny

Современные любовные романы.

The Secret Daughter
Roz Fox Denny
Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска:
Duke Fontaine is dead, but he's left behind a daughter no one knew he had. A daughter who's about to inherit one-third of his estate.Noelani Hana is the secret daughter of Louisiana sugar magnate Duke Fontaine–and the secret sister of his children Casey and Jackson. Their existence is as much of a shock to her as hers is to them.Complying with the terms of his will, Noelani travels to Bellefontaine, the family estate and sugar plantation. She wants nothing more than to collect her share of the inheritance and return home to Hawaii.Three things stop her. One, she'll have to wait for the cane harvest, since the Fontaines are land rich and cash poor. Two, she discovers that they apparently have an enemy willing to sabotage Bellefontaine, and as Noelani is now a member of the family, she, too, becomes a target.And three–she meets Adam Ross. A man who's sweet as sugar, sexy as sin and damn good in a crisis!