Learn Motivating Delegation as a Leader. Simone Janson

Зарубежная деловая литература.

Learn Motivating Delegation as a Leader
Simone Janson
Зарубежная деловая литература
Год выпуска:
CLIMATE PROTECTION AND KNOWLEDGE: With this book you support – documented – afforestation projects and digital neural machine learning translation, receive compact information and checklists from experts (overview and press reviews in the book preview) as well as advice proven in practice, which leads step by step to success – also thanks to add-on. Because especially managers, who have often worked hard for their position, believe that they have to manage everything on their own and find it hard to give up work. At the same time they want to please everyone and can hardly say «no». But this attitude is fatal for personal time management and work efficiency. And the consequences are unmistakable stress and excessive demands. What helps these people is to learn to give up work step by step, to trust other people and to realize that it is possible without them – but without making themselves replaceable.