Twin Flame Poetry. Osiris

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Twin Flame Poetry
Зарубежные стихи
Год выпуска:
The Mystery Of A Twin Flame Reunion: Destiny – Love – Trust
We live in a time, where more and more Twin Flames find their once lost other half. On their highest possible level of development they are ready to give the world back what they achieve together.
Isis and Osiris are not only Twin Souls, but also poets. Long and challenging have been their ways, separated by distance and time. Yet the impossible happened: they found each other. Together, they tell their fascinating story in the beautiful language of poetry, forged out of mutual respect and unconditional love.
Although the poems were made uniquely for each other – they shall be shared to give other Twin Flames hope and confidence. The poems in this book are witnesses of a deep Twin Flame reunion, combined with pictures of a long gone, but not forgotten time of the Pre-Raphaelite painters.
Isis and Osiris show that it is possible to overcome all the obstacles arising along the way. The most important thing is to never give up. They have grown with each other: united in respect and love, even though they live in different parts of the world.