Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics of Heterogeneous Systems. Signe Kjelstrup

Химия. Series On Advances In Statistical Mechanics

Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics of Heterogeneous Systems
Signe Kjelstrup
Series On Advances In Statistical Mechanics
Год выпуска:
This book utilizes non-equilibrium thermodynamics to describe transport in complex, heterogeneous media. There are large coupling effects between transport of heat, mass, charge and chemical reactions at surfaces, and it is important to know how one should properly integrate across systems where different phases are in contact. There is no other book available today that gives a prescription of how to set up flux equations for transports across heterogeneous systems.<b>Contents:</b> <ul><li>Scope</li><li>Why Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics?</li><li>Thermodynamic Relations for Heterogeneous Systems</li><li>The Entropy Production for a Homogeneous Phase</li><li>The Excess Entropy Production for the Surface</li><li>The Excess Entropy Production for a Three-Phase Contact Line</li><li>Flux Equations and Onsager Relations</li><li>Transport of Heat and Mass</li><li>Transport of Heat and Charge</li><li>Transport of Mass and Charge</li><li>Evaporation and Condensation</li><li>Multi-Component Diffusion, Heat Conduction and Cross Effects</li><li>A Non-Isothermal Concentration Cell</li><li>The Transported Entropy</li><li>Adiabatic Electrode Reactions</li><li>The Liquid Junction Potential</li><li>The Formation Cell</li><li>Power from Regular and Thermal Osmosis</li><li>Modeling the Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell</li><li>Measuring Membrane Transport Properties</li><li>The Impedance of an Electrode Surface</li><li>Non-Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics Simulations</li><li>The Non-Equilibrium Two-Phase van der Waals Model</li><li>Curved Surfaces</li><li>The Catalyst Surface Temperature</li></ul><br><b>Readership:</b> Graduate students, researchers, lecturers and professionals in physics, nanoscience and surface science.Irreversible Processes;Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics;Interface Transports;Phase Transitions;Catalysis;Batteries;Fuel Cells;Thermal Osmosis0<b>Key Features:</b><ul><li>Two new chapters have been added to the bestselling first edition of the book</li></ul>