Global Manufacturing and Secondary Innovation in China. Xiaobo Wu

Экономика. Series On Innovation And Operations Management For Chinese Enterprises

Global Manufacturing and Secondary Innovation in China
Xiaobo Wu
Series On Innovation And Operations Management For Chinese Enterprises
Год выпуска:
Innovation studies have long been confined to the theoretical system established by the scholars of developed countries in the West. It is difficult to use these studies to understand the real nature and law of technological innovation in developing countries. This book, in an innovative manner, studies the theoretical system of secondary innovation, and reveals the evolution law and dynamic innovation mode of the activities carried out by technologically backward countries. It does so by laying an important foundation for the development of management science theory on the basis of the standpoint and characteristics of developing countries.<b>Contents:</b> <ul><li>Introduction</li><li>Theoretical and Practical Background for Constructing Secondary Innovation Theory</li><li>Secondary Innovation Dynamic Process Model</li><li>Evolution and Development of the Secondary Innovation Theoretical Model</li><li>Secondary Innovation and Dynamic Mode of Organizational Learning</li><li>Cultivation of Technology Innovation Capability in the Dynamic Process of Secondary Innovation</li><li>Conclusion</li><li>Summary and Prospects</li></ul><br><b>Readership:</b> Readers who are interested in technological innovation in developing countries.Basic Research;Chinese Manufacturing;Secondary Innovation;Globalization;Industrial Innovation;China0<b>Key Features:</b><ul><li>The concept of «secondary innovation» is creative</li><li>The book provides typical cases from different industries, which can serve as good references for secondary innovation</li><li>The book provides scientific and practical suggestions for improving technological innovation ability and competitive advantage</li></ul>