Unlimited Confidence. Нарша Булгакбаев

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Unlimited Confidence - Нарша Булгакбаев

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not lack of faith, but in its inaccuracy and incorrectness. In this case, there is no boundless certainty, instead there is a false life, "Slave Mind «» and dependence. It is not just evil, so if you have this disease, you must treat it without running away from the disease, embarrassed with a smile and hiding it. All who will hide will die internally. Nobody will tell you about it. Today’s media, television (news, programs, advertising), half of doctors and parents try not to tell you about the dangers and «harmfulness» of negative information, but propagate the false benefits of «Slave Thinking». This is especially true when using the Internet and social networks. They will attack your brain audiovisually and will do whatever they can to get your attention.

      Life is deceiving you

      Many people think that it is useful and even necessary to kill your time, waste it, addiction to bad habits, limit your consciousness, feed your brain with harmful information, but I have a lot of evidence refuting these illogical conclusions.

      There are people who worship a person. Many, even almost all, have their fans (geek, nerd, fan as they call it). They are wealthy businessmen, sports or art stars, they often say that they are their admirers (but they themselves are their slaves). Indeed, outwardly they look like slaves.

      Repeat clothes, demeanor and even hairstyle. They observe their life every day, are constantly interested and repeat everything they do. It is a disease of useless imitation and addiction that must be eliminated.

      In general, celebrities (stars), the rotten rich are very concerned about the loss of their reputation, the safety of their personal (worldly) property. Most celebrities (entrepreneurs, government officials, sports and art stars) seem happy only on the outside, not on the inside. I think the stress of a celebrity eats them up from the inside. Since they are always at war between love (sympathy) and hate (haters), they can be suppressed, sometimes even frightened. They are mostly afraid of bad, negative comments and intimidation (bluffing).

      You can argue that these are proven, reliable people: «We need to crawl under their feet, learn from them, not out of jealousy, but out of curiosity, in order to find out their path to happiness, success and victory», but is it really did they become so happy of their own accord? Many do not even know how they achieved this, because this is a decision of fate. Therefore, do not think that it will be beneficial for you to be a slave of those people who have become such only by the will of the Creator.

      Another example: do not think that you will find something good in spam in the mail, if you go there, you will find nothing but «Advertising» and «Temptation». You will find only useless, harmful truth. It’s the same with many sites (news sites, etc.), mobile apps, games, and social media. Everyone should know this truth. Negative truth can hurt, but positive truth cannot hurt. Lies do not exist, everything in life is truth, there is only falsehood and truth. And only the truth can be effective for you. You also need to know this truth.

      A person should be a slave and obey only one God. If in this life there really is a person worthy of an earthly bow, I would say them as angels among people whom we do not see, hear and do not notice … «Teachers», «Scientists», «Kind people» or just people who have surpassed their teacher, people who are struggling with their sores.

      I believe that a happy and vibrant life is incompatible with «Slave Mind» and «Addiction» because these actions become a strong psychological habit. I sincerely want to help other people suffering from ignorance to learn about it.

      This book is for people who want to get rid of bad habits and change their lifestyle for the better.

      Every day we hear people who intuitively predict what the problems of humanity are, and if you support the point of view of this book, you will be on the right track along with everyone who is worried about the future of humanity. The more people learn about the dangers of this evil, the cleaner the world around us will be, ideally «without slavery» and «regardless».

      People should treat each other with respect and compassion, etc., do useful deeds for themselves and for others, too, and all this together should become a habit, so I am sincerely happy for everyone who does not accept bad habits, addictions and slavery in their lives.

      To familiarize yourself with the book, you must first familiarize yourself with the contents of the book. Consider this as introductory work.

      Thank you for wanting to be with the book. Good luck with every moment of your reading! Thank you to the Creator for giving you the opportunity to read this book. The time and energy spent on this will set you apart from the crowd (and all this is not in vain). As you explore your soul with unlimited potential, you will not only achieve success, but you will also develop skills that you do not already know, and you will also receive a lot of useful and persuasive information that will help you help others and learn from you.

      I think that there is no one who would not like to live a happy life. Everyone always wants to improve their life, to become better after reaching a certain level. If your ultimate goal is not to be one, but to be different, this is the book for you.

      Secondly, I dedicate the book to the younger generation after me, that is, growing children, young people, especially those in a crisis situation. It hurts to remember my teenage years (but, of course, this is not the case now). If I read this book at a time when I had everything, I would simply swallow the prepared food. However, in my time there were no ready-made meals and, in general, age plays a big role in the development of the human mind.

      If you are against all these ideologies, then this book is just for you.

      Hello again, WELCOME DEAR READERS! I say hello again, because I think that there are people who have already closed the book and left you and me and left us alone, I think that it will not hurt to say hello again.

      Do you want to read a book that can change your whole life? And I’m not kidding! Or do you think that I deliberately take time and enlarge the pages to make the book thick? Thanks to the completely truthful, very clear and proven practical approaches that I offer, you can combine the truth about yourself and life not only the way you want, but also by combining three desires («My desire», «The desire of the environment», «God’s desire») and create a balance between them. All the information you receive here is based on time-tested psychological and metaphysical methods and the universal laws of happiness.

      The only proof of the effectiveness of the following principles can only be the result if you apply them. I can tell you as much as I want about the book, but only the results of real changes in your personal experience and life can convince you.

      Will this book really help me?

      I really respect your intellectual ability, because I don’t make such statements without reason, I don’t make unfounded opinions, and I hope that you will accept my words and believe that I have written a book that is worth reading. The only proof of the effectiveness of the principles written in the book is to get real results only if you faithfully apply them in real life. Therefore, it is very important to do exactly what is written in the book, this is done only by activating the heart and feelings (emotions).

      I can tell you as much as I want about the benefits of the book, but only when you experience it yourself, when you make real changes in life, when you test the book and see the results, you can see for yourself.

      Most, if not all, at least once in their life, attend special courses, trainings or educational seminars (offline) or read various bestsellers, watch, listen to audio / video lessons (online), and, worst of all, marathons (especially three-day, how can you change a person in three days? it is unreasonable), (one of us – because of imitation, the other – from despair). God commanded to pray five times a day and that’s not all, the most interesting thing is until the end of life, so there is no stability anywhere and in anything.

      They inspired us, we even started to change something in our life, but after a few days or a few weeks everything was still the same. Why? Most of these books, all trainings and seminars are not about achieving sustainable change (they are not about how to achieve balance). Applying their solutions is like decorating moldy bread with sweet icing. No matter how beautiful, tasty and appetizing it may be, sooner or later you will feel the mold hidden in it and you will definitely discover the secret hidden inside.

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