Industry 4.1. Группа авторов

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Industry 4.1 - Группа авторов

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bands (5 Hz in each bandwidth) are extracted from the frequency domain as defined in Sections and

      Additionally, an AEN model is used for reducing the number of forging features; the inputs and outputs are the original and encoded forging load signals, respectively. In this case, the AEN monitors the stability of the bolt‐forming processes and identifies invalid samples, which are mainly affected by the forging pressure.

Schematic illustration of failure diagnosis in a forming process. Schematic illustration of sample validation using the single dimension feature of the middle layer in the AEN model.

      This chapter addresses the techniques of data acquisition and preprocessing. For data acquisition, both process data and metrology data have to be collected for developing various intelligent applications. In general, process data consists of sensing signals and manufacturing parameters. As for data preprocessing, the key steps are segmentation, cleaning, and feature extraction. Finally, four practical examples using real‐world data are respectively demonstrated to validate techniques of data acquisition and data preprocessing addressed in this chapter; the detailed experimental data are uploaded in the IEEE DataPort for references.

AC Alternating Current
ADC Analog‐to‐Digital Converter
AE Acoustic Emission
AEN Autoencoder
AI Artificial Intelligence
AIO Analog Input / Output
ANN Artificial Neural network
AOI Automated Optical Inspection
CbM Condition‐based Maintenance
CCD Charge‐Coupled Device
CMM Coordinate Measuring Machine
CNC Computer Numerical Control
CPSs Cyber‐Physical Systems
DC Direct Current
DIO Digital Input / Output
DNN Deep Neural Network
DWT Discrete Wavelet Transform
EtherCAT Ethernet for Control Automation Technology
FFT Fast Fourier Transform
FT Fourier Transform
Industry 4.0 Fourth Industrial Revolution
IIoT Industrial Internet of Things
MRA Multi‐Resolution Analysis
MQTT Message Queuing Telemetry Transport
NC Numerical Control
OPC‐UA Open Platform Communication Unified Architecture
PC Personal Computer
Programmable Logic Controller
PM Preventive Maintenance
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