Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Chris Binns

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Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology - Chris Binns

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when he finds that the properties continue to change and on reaching 3 nm finds that when he cuts again the strength of the magnetism, in proportion to the size of the piece increases. Some of these changes can be dramatic, for example, if he was holding a 13‐atom cluster and shaved off a tiny piece to produce a 12‐atom cluster, the magnetic moment per atom would jump from 2.5μB to a staggering 5.5μB – very close to the single‐atom limit of 6μB. The 13‐atom piece is in a particularly stable configuration known as an icosahedron (20‐sided solid), illustrated in the figure, and for reasons beyond the scope of this chapter, the high symmetry in this atomic structure reduces the magnetism. The same effect is seen in Ni, though less pronounced, in passing through the 13‐atom size. The magnetism in very small Rh nanoparticles is particularly spiky showing peaks and troughs every two or three atoms.

      So we can now see the reason why the nanoscale is special as a size, at least as far as materials are concerned. It represents the border region between the macroscopic world and the microscopic atomic world in which the properties of pieces of matter depend on size, and they display novel behavior only found in that size scale. This highlights one of the most exciting aspects of nanoparticle research. If one considers a nanoparticle as a building block and can assemble large numbers of them to make a material, then it is possible to tailor the fundamental properties of the building block just by changing its size. It is almost as if we could add a third dimension to the periodic table, so for each element, we can choose the size of the nanoparticle building blocks, which would modify the properties of the material produced. In Chapter 5, we will look at more sophisticated ways of changing the nanoparticle building blocks.


      Source: Reproduced with the permission of the American Institute of Physics from M. D. Upward et al. [10].

      Yet, if we look at the data for Fe nanoparticles in Figure 1.9, the magnetization is higher than the Slater–Pauling limit for all sizes below about 300 atoms. This, however, is for isolated nanoparticles in a vacuum and it is not immediately clear how to make a material out of them while preserving the high value of the magnetic moment. About 20 years ago, the journey from isolated nanoparticles to materials started with experiments on size‐selected Fe particles deposited in ultra high vacuum (UHV) onto graphite surfaces [9]. This work, showed that, for particles smaller than about 3 nm, the enhanced magnetic moments were retained when the particles were on a support and also revealed the source of the additional magnetic moment. Magnetism in atoms arises from two contributions, that is, the magnetic moment due to the orbital motion of the electrons, which can be considered as a tiny current loop, and from the electron “spin,” which can only be understood from a quantum mechanical perspective. In a transition metal such as Fe, virtually all the magnetism is due to the spin with the orbital moment “quenched” almost to zero. In a nanoparticle, which has a very high proportion of surface atoms with a reduced co‐ordination relative to the bulk, some of the orbital moment reappears and in addition, the spin moment is enhanced. The experiments mentioned above [9] showed that about half the enhancement of the magnetic moment in small particles comes from the spin moment and the other half from the orbital moment.

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