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carriers. They readily arrive at the corresponding electrodes avoiding interactions with recombination centers. Having reached the electrodes they can move to the entrances of rare but highly efficient recombination channels shorting between the electrodes and playing the role of recombination highways.

Schematic illustration of the role of grain boundaries in noncrystalline thin film PV.

      A physically nontrivial and practically important property of thin film PV (further discussed in Sec. V) is that, under certain conditions, they exhibit thermal runaway instabilities favored by low heat transfer parameters as well as low sheet resistances along with significant currents and voltages. These instabilities result in local (~ 1 mm) spots of elevated temperature that can degrade PV performance and trigger nonuniform structure damage. We will discuss later their underlying physics and factors that can be tweaked to mitigate the latter detrimental effects by proper device engineering.

Schematic illustration of a cross-sectional view of a superstrate.

      Furthermore, the role of CdS layer often found with CdTe and CIGS remained mysterious long after it was empirically found to be extremely important and practically irreplaceable in spite of its lack of contribution to photocurrent. We shall see in what follows (Sec. XVIII) that its piezo-electric properties may be a key leading to piezo-photovoltaic coupling beneficial for PV operations.

      Finally, the back contact layer renders yet another set of puzzles. While the Mo back contact is typical of CIGS PV, there are several successful recipes of back contact in CdTe based PV. It was found indeed that the back contact has profoundly strong effect on device operations in spite of the fact that it is not photoactive (light does not penetrate there). The so-called back barrier due to the junction field between the semiconductor and back metal turns out to be a culprit. More in detail, the physics of back contact functionality will be discussed in Sec. VB. The front contact layer, such as TCO in CdTe based PV or ZnO in CIGS, has its nontrivial properties as well, as also discussed in the subsequent chapters.

      1. M. A. Green, Solar Cells: Operating Principles, Technology and System Applications, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1982.

      2. A. L. Fahrenbruch, R. H. Bube, Fundamentals of Solar Cells, Academic Press (1983).

      3. J. L. Gray, The physics of Solar Cells, in Handbook of Photovoltaic Science and Engineering, p. 61, Edited by A. Lique and S. Heggedus, Wiley (2002).

      4. J. Nelson, The Physics of Solar Cells, Imperial College Press (2003).

      5. P. Wurfel, Physics of Solar Cells, Wiley (2005).

      6. T. Dittrich, Material Aspects of Solar Cells, Imperial College Press (2015).

      7. T. J. Coutts, J. S. Ward, D. L. Young, K. A. Emery, T. A. Gessert, and R. Noufi, Critical Issues in the Design of Polycrystalline, Thin-film Tandem Solar Cells, Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. 11, 359 (2003).

      8. Thin Film Solar Cells Fabrication, Characterization, and Applications, Edited by J. Poortmans and V. Arkhipov, Wiley (2007).


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