Climate Impacts on Sustainable Natural Resource Management. Группа авторов

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Climate Impacts on Sustainable Natural Resource Management - Группа авторов

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image processing using AI can highlight various natural resources' subtle features and improve the natural resource classification results.

      Maximum Entropy (Maxent) is a presence‐only species distribution modeling technique used in the identification of a species' niche in environmental space. The prediction is based on the relation between observed occurrences to a set of climatic and non‐climatic environmental variables (Phillips et al. 2006; Pearson et al. 2007). Maxent is a free to download machine learning tool that provides a platform to integrate the species occurrence data with the bioclimatic variables using remote sensing and Geographical Information System and provides species habitat suitability and predicting future occurrence scenarios (Phillips et al. 2004; Phillips et al. 2006). Maxent has several advantages:

      1 It can characterize probability distributions from incomplete information.

      2 Presence data alone is sufficient and no absence data is required.

      3 It uses both continuous and categorical environmental variables.

      4 It produces an output with continuous prediction ranging from zero to one, where a higher value pixel indicates greater suitability for a given species at that pixel.

      Most environmental monitoring and data collection systems are currently based on ground‐based measurements, satellite observations, and manned airborne sensors. These processes have spatiotemporal constraints that limit the current monitoring platforms. UAS provides an excellent opportunity to bridge this gap (Figure 2.1) by providing great spatial detail and enhanced temporal retrieval cost‐effectively (Manfreda et al. 2018). UAS systems provide very high spatial and temporal resolution images which are unmatched by satellite alternatives at a fraction of the satellite acquisition charge. The UAS‐mounted sensors have multiple additional advantages for a wide array of applications. Moreover, they offer quick access to environmental data while offering the near real‐time capabilities necessary for a wide range of applications. UAS also has applications in accessing hazardous and other inaccessible sites efficiently without compromising on safety and accessibility issues. Another advantage of UAS is its ability to perform remote sensing data acquisition in cloudy conditions, which may not be the case for satellite data.

      For decades remote sensing has resulted in the collection of huge volumes of datasets. The management and analyzing of these voluminous datasets cannot practically be achieved using standard software packages and general computing systems. To address this challenge, Google has developed the first cloud computing platform of its kind, called Google Earth Engine (GEE), for effectively accessing and processing these datasets. GEE facilitates big geo‐data processing at country, continental, or world level and provides datasets for long periods (Amani et al. 2020). All the publicly available remote sensing data from multiple satellites, such as the Landsat series, Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS), Sentinel series, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration Advanced very high‐resolution radiometer (NOAA AVHRR), Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS), along with other gridded datasets is used. The complete list of datasets is available on the GEE webpage ( (Kumar and Mutanga 2018).

Schematic illustration of various applications of Google Earth Engine for natural resource management.

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