Soft-Switching Technology for Three-phase Power Electronics Converters. Rui Li

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Soft-Switching Technology for Three-phase Power Electronics Converters - Rui Li

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stage can realize soft‐switching operation. Due to the soft‐switching, the switching frequency is increased so that passives such as inductors and capacitors may be reduced. The PV inverter becomes more compact.

Schematic illustration of active clamping converters. Schematic illustration of single-phase PV inverter for residential applications. Schematic illustration of three-phase ZVS PV inverter. Schematic illustration of two-stage three-phase ZVS inverter for PV system. Schematic illustration of ZVS back-to-back converter for PMSG system.

      1.3.2 Energy Storage Systems

      Energy storage systems have become a key enabling technology for a robust, high efficiency, and cost‐effective power grid. Grid level energy storage systems are used in frequency regulation, spinning reserve, peak load shaving, load leveling, and so on. Besides, energy storage systems are also introduced in distributed systems to stabilize the power output of renewable energy. The converter is the interface to connect the energy storage component with the grid. Energy storage systems require a bidirectional power flow control such as the battery energy storage system (BESS). The energy loss is also doubled during the whole energy utilization cycle by charging and discharging the energy storage component. Therefore the efficiency of the converter becomes more critical than that of the unidirectional converters. The soft‐switching technique has a potential in the energy storage applications.

Schematic illustration of paralleled three-phase ZVS inverter for BESS. Schematic illustration of ZVS inverter with front boost stage for BESS. Schematic illustration of ZVS inverter with paralleled DC/DC converters for BESS.
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