Statistical Analysis with Excel For Dummies. Joseph Schmuller

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Statistical Analysis with Excel For Dummies - Joseph Schmuller

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Snapshot of a bar chart of the data in Table 3-2.

      FIGURE 3-21: A bar chart of the data in Table 3-2.

      To create this graph, follow these steps:

      1 Enter your data into a worksheet.Figure 3-22 shows the data entered into a worksheet.

      2 Select the data that go into the chart.For this example, the data are cells A1 through B8.

      3 Choose Insert | Recommended Charts from the main menu and then choose the chart you like from the list on the left side of the screen.I selected the first option: Clustered Bar. Figure 3-23 shows the result.

      4 Modify the chart.The first modification is to change the chart title. One way to do this is to click the current title and type the new title. Next, I add the axis titles. To do this, I click the Chart Elements button, that button labeled with a plus sign (+). Selecting the Axis Labels check box on the menu that appears adds generic axis titles, which I then change. Finally, I bold the font on the axis titles as well as the axis numbers. The easiest way to do that is to select an element and press Ctrl+B.

Snapshot of Table 3-2 data in a worksheet.

      FIGURE 3-22: Table 3-2 data in a worksheet.

Snapshot of the initial Excel bar chart.

      You use an important statistical technique called linear regression to determine the relationship between one variable, x, and another variable, y. For more information on linear regression, see Chapter 14.

      The basis of the technique is a graph that shows individuals measured on both x and y. The graph represents each individual as a point. Because the points seem to scatter around the graph, the graph is called a scatterplot.

      To create a scatterplot, follow these steps:

      1 Enter your data into a worksheet.Figure 3-24 shows the entered data.FIGURE 3-24: Your scatterplot data.

      2 Select the data that go into the chart.In the background of Figure 3-25, you can see the selected cells — B2 through C21. (Including B1 creates the same chart, but with an incorrect title.) The cells in Column A are just placeholders that organize the data.

      3 Choose Insert | Recommended Charts from the main menu and then select the chart type from the list on the left of the screen.I chose the first option, resulting in the chart shown in Figure 3-25.

      4 Modify the chart.I clicked the generic chart title and typed a new title. Next, I clicked the Chart Elements tool (labeled with a plus sign) and used the resulting menu to add generic axis titles to the chart. I then typed new titles. Finally, I selected each axis title and typed Ctrl+B to turn the font bold. I did that for the chart title, too. The result is the scatterplot in Figure 3-26.

      FIGURE 3-25: The initial scatterplot.

Snapshot of the almost-finished scatterplot.

      FIGURE 3-26: The almost-finished scatterplot.

Snapshot of Right-clicking any point on the scatterplot opens this menu.

      FIGURE 3-27: Right-clicking any point on the scatterplot opens this menu.

Snapshot of the Format Trendline pane.

      FIGURE 3-28: The Format Trendline pane.

Snapshot of the scatterplot, with additional information.

      FIGURE 3-29: The scatterplot, with additional information.

      Read Chapter 14 to find out.

      In addition to the application in the preceding section, you use the scatter chart to create something like a line chart. The conventional line chart works when the values on the x-axis are equally spaced, as is the case for the data in Table 3-1.

Snapshot shows these data suggest a line chart, but the x-values aren’t equally spaced.

      FIGURE 3-30: These data suggest a line chart, but the x-values aren’t equally spaced.

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